Chapter LIX: Strip

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Chapter 59
Word count: 2.4 k
Warning:Not edited, and wrote in 30 minutes and was rushed and not well thought.


There were many things that people have negatively said to Clementine. Sadly, she had also been at the end of sleazy comments, something quite unavoidable while traveling out in sea filled with pirates.

But never had she been told to do something so boldly.

A smile was frozen on the blonde woman's face, not a single muscle moving. Finally, she tilted her head to the side, sending the man in front of her a closed-eyed smile that would have made most men take a step back in fear.

"What? I think I heard you wrong the first time, Trafalgar," Clementine sweetly spoke, keeping the icy smile on her face.

Law doesn't even look up from the clipboard in his hand, "I said, strip."

Clementine's cheeks twitch, the smile seeming to stay. When she doesn't move, Law looks up, raising a single eyebrow up, looking at her with a frown.

"Noble-ya, I need you to strip."

"Like hell I would!" Clementine snapped, her eyes widening as she realized she raised her voice and lost her cool. Her cheeks flushed as she pinched at the bridge of her nose, mentally questioning why the man in front of her was so good at getting under her skin. The young woman prided that she was mostly level-headed, having the patience of the Buddha after growing up with chaotic siblings who tested her all of the time with their idiocy.

But Trafalgar Law seemed to pick at the wall of patience, skillfully making it crumble with his comments.

"I will not strip for you," Clementine huffed, pressing her fingers into her temple as if that was going to help with the headache that was threatening to attack her blonde head.

Law released a sigh as he placed the clipboard down. He stared at the younger female in front of him with his silver orbs narrowing, the pen he had in hand tapping against his desk.

"Noble-ya, I'm a doctor. I've seen hundreds of naked bodies. Yours is not much different," the dark haired man comments in slight annoyance.

"That may be the case but I don't see the reasoning behind it. I am perfectly fine, I don't need you to check me. While I agreed to this alliance, that does not mean you are my doctor," Clementine snaps, a scowl spreading on her face.

Clementine opens her mouth to argue more but stops at the dark look that suddenly spread across Law's face, the man's sharp gaze narrowing to something that makes her uncomfortable. The man tilts his head a bit, seeming to stretch his neck before leaning forward, his elbows resting on his knees.

"Noble-ya, you're right about me not being your doctor. However, you were the one who agreed to this alliance. You will be staying in my submarine with my crew during this alliance as we had agreed. Everyone on my sub goes through a health exam, not only for the sake of themselves but for everybody aboard my sub. If you do not agree to this exam, you are endangering my crew's health seeing as I do not know what the hell you may be carrying. I will not tolerate you being a threat to my crew because of your own petty pride and you might as well kiss this alliance goodbye," Law growled with his voice dropping a few octaves down.

Clementine's lips parted in surprise. For a brief second they opened and closed, not being able to produce propers words, the teen was too taken aback. She had not expected the man before her to be so passionate for his crew, and silently she decided that her initial thought of the Surgeon of Death may have been inaccurate. She hadn't understood Trafalgar Law as a whole yet.

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