Chapter XI: Staying With The Whitebeard Pirates

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My foot slipped back while a small grunt escaped my lips as Ace's fist slammed into my forearm. I winced, it's been a while since the familiar throbbing pain spreading down my bone.

Ow, damn it....! Is this seriously training?

"Come on Clemie! I know you can do better than that!!" Ace yelled, grinning wildly, his freckle covered cheeks lifting up.

It was no doubt that Ace had grown stronger since the last time I fought him. Each of his punches was painful and made me grit my teeth. And he hasn't even used his devil's fruit power.

I rolled my icy blue eyes and patted down the large white shirt I stole from Shank's closet.

The said red-haired captain decided to leave me with the White Beard Pirates for a period, promising to come pick me up after a year or so. This decision was made two months ago, and during those two months, I've got accustomed to living with the Whitebeard pirates.

I had made a quite interesting bond with the Red Hair Pirates and their captain. At times I  could say I had a love hate relationship with Shanks, especially since the man loved pushing me to the limit with his training. But there was no denying that he cared about me, taking me under his wing. He as well as his grew protective of me, and I would call them family without hesitation.

"Oi, stop being so harsh to your sister yoi, we don't want you breaking a part of Moby Dick again," Marco scowled, though a hint of amusement dancing in his dark eyes.

"Ha? I need to be harsh on her! No one in the sea will go easy on her because she's a girl! If she acts all pretty and defenseless, she'll end up being captured and sold somewhere like a slave auction!" Ace yelled back at the blond man, his face creasing in worry.

An unnecessary worry, I may add.

As I rubbed the pain away in my arm, Thatch suddenly appeared beside Marco, throwing his arm over his shoulder, "true. Especially with the rising rookies these days. Have you seen this?" The man questioned waving a newspaper in hand, "two pirates are on this, and they're catching the marine's eyes."

I quickly grew curiously, ignoring a whining Ace and walked up to the two older men who huddled in front of the newspaper while whispering to each other.

Although not the best quality, there were pictures of two different men.

One was a man with a smirk, dark circles under his eyes and a somewhat eye-catching white hat on top of his head. His epithet was "Surgeon of Death" Trafalgar Law, Dead or Alive.

The next picture was a man with dark red hair pulled out of his face by a pair of goggles

The next picture was a man with dark red hair pulled out of his face by a pair of goggles. He had a mad grin on his face, his lips painted a dark purple, looking quite evil. Eustass "Captain" Kid, Dead or Alive as well.

"Purple lipstick....." I muttered in awe. Who wore purple lipstick, even Izo-San didn't do that!

"Oh!" Thatch exclaimed, grinning proudly, "you're in it as well, girly!" The man with pompadour pointed his finger at an article on the next page, grinning widely in amusement.

With my eyebrows furrowed, I took the newspaper in hand, reading it out loud. "Rookie pirate 'Ao no Tenshi' also known as the 'Ao no Kizoku' Clementine D. Outlook, a bounty of 190,000,000 had been traveling with The Red Hair Pirates for over a year.  However, recently there has been a number of witnesses that claimed they had seen her with the White Beard Pirates. Marines are trying to find whether this beautiful criminal is a Red Haired Pirate or a White Beard Pirate. Depending on the outcome of her affiliation, the amount of her bounty is determined to rise. And strangely enough, although she is criminal with frightening powers, there is a surprising amount of people joining the fan club for the mysterious female. Currently, among the male fans, she's been called the Princess."

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