Chapter LXI: Dick Size

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Searching For Brothers: Chapter 61

Word count: 2.5 k

A/n: lmao, sorry for the crude chapter title, haha.


Clementine was exhausted.

The back of her eyes throbbed, her eyelids heavy with tiredness that seemed to not go away no matter what she did. Well, she was sure it would lessen if she slept, but that wasn't possible as much as she wanted.

The blonde woman didn't even want to look herself in the mirror. She already had a good idea of how awful she must have looked, seeing Ikkaku's reaction. The curly-haired woman had silently placed a bottle of concealer in front of Clementine during dinner before sitting down with Uni to eat.

Clementine did appreciate the action, silently deciding that out of Law's crew, Ikkaku was one of her favorite along with Bepo, although the blonde admits she was slightly biased. But either way, Clementine promised herself to use the concealer if the dark circles under her eyes got any worst.

The blonde woman pinched the bridge of her nose, wincing at the sharp throb of pain in her eyes. She closed the book she had in hand, blinking in hopes that the headache would disappear. It doesn't.


Clementine opens her eyes, eyeing the man who called her with a frown. The teen raises an eyebrow, giving Law her attention, silently wondering what he wanted. After dinner, the dark-haired captain usually didn't come out of his room, keeping to himself unless one of his crewmates needed him. Clementine often took advantage of that, reading through the many medical textbooks that were available on the submarine.

The said man had a steaming mug in his hand, nonchalantly sipping it as he leaned against the door's metal frame. The familiar roasted aroma enters Clementine's nose, the female realizes the pirate captain was drinking coffee. She didn't know Law drank coffee.

"You haven't been sleeping," it's more of a statement than a question. The dark-haired man stares at the girl who's sitting in front of him with a blank look on her face.

Clementine doesn't confirm or deny, returning the stare she was receiving from the male. Silently, she had a feeling it would be better if she continued to be vague or completely silent.Clementine learned that Trafalgar Law surprisingly liked to nag, or perhaps it was just that he wanted to see Clementine irritated. Clementine couldn't tell yet. But either way, she knew that her inability to sleep wasn't something worth making a big deal of. It was something that had been recurring since the death of her older brother.

"You should stop reading in such a dimly lit space. Your eyesight will get bad." Again Clementine doesn't respond with words, only nodding and brushing his comment aside. Law sighed, seeming to decide he wouldn't try to get a verbal response from her. "Clione finished cleaning up the dining hall, so you're able to go in." The man eyed her for another moment before turning on his heel. But he stops at the door, his back facing her.

Clementine eyes him with a hint of interest, wondering why he was still lingering there.

"If you're struggling with insomnia, you're welcome to come to my office to get medicine that'll help." Law doesn't even turn around before he disappears, not waiting for a response from Clementine.

Clementine blinks her icy blue eyes in surprise. She admits, she didn't expect Trafalgar Law to care. She would have thought he would have left with a snarky comment or perhaps something about how irresponsible she was for neglecting her health, but he had just said he had medicine before leaving her alone.

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