Chapter XXXIII: Kid, Heart, Straw-Hat, and Sister

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Searching for Brother: 33

Word count: 2.8 k

A/N: HAPPY NEW YEARS Y'ALL!! Let's celebrate with a new chapter!! Don't forget to comment and vote!!


Outside the Slave Auction House, it was chaotic, those who were inside the building were running out in fear of their life. And ushering them to safety were the marines equipped with a variety of weapons.

A thin layer of sweat coated the nervous marines who waited for a command to attack, eyes warily staring at the surprisingly quiet building, the shouts and scream of terror silencing.

"What the hell is going inside of there....?" One marine gulped, his eyes wide with fear.




As Rayleigh spoke with the Strawhat Pirates, Clementine idly petted Roki, her shoulders relaxed as she basked in the soft fur of Roki under her finger.

Her expression softened as the large tiger purred, the sound comforting her deeply. During her stay in Sabaody Archipelago, she was forced to keep Roki in his dimension because his vast size caught too much-unwanted attention. It greatly upset both the woman and her beast, Clementine deprived of her mofu-mofu time with the fluffy creature and Roki bothered that he couldn't be with his master to protect her.

Now, Clementine took every advantage to quench her thirst for being taken away from the soft fur of Roki as she rubbed her face into the thick, white hair that tickled her nose.

However, her eyes lazily looked up as she felt heated gazes on her. Her eyes narrowed on the two pirate captains who watched her with their own eyes thinning.

"While I'm surprised to see the 'Dark King' here, I'm also interested in why you're here, Clementine D. Outlook," Kidd comments, his lips stretching in a dangerous smirk as he tried to size up the female. There's a flash of interest in his dark orbs, quite eager to find out the hidden strength of the woman who's been gaining a lot of attention from the public as well as the government. His fist itched to throw a punch, wanting to test the blonde's strength himself.

Clementine made a face, her icy blue eyes looking at the man with disinterest, quickly looking away from the red-head.

"I have no obligatory to tell you, purple lips."

An irk mark immediately appeared on Kidd's forehead, his lips curling into a snarl as he took a threatening step forward at the insult he received.

"I would actually like to know as well, Noble-ya. Seeing as I did buy you," Law decides to chime, a smirk spreading across his face as he sees his words irritates Kidd even more, the pirate getting reminded he had lost to Law earlier.

Clementine scowled, her eyes heatedly glaring at Law who continued to have the smug smile on his face.

"Do not call me that, Trafalgar. I threw away the title of a Noble when I was a child," Clementine hissed, her eyes flashing with malice as she eyed the pirate who only seemed to grin wider as her irritation.

"Hey! Stop looking at her like that! You can't buy her because she's mine! " Luffy cried as leaped in front of his older sister, wrapping a protective arm around the female. He glared at both Law and Kidd in anger ignoring the surprised look he received by both men because of his bold, suggestive word. "She's my sister! You can't have her!" Luffy viciously hissed, his teeth growing sharp his he narrowed his eyes.

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