Chapter XLI: Start Of The War

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Searching for Brothers: Chapter 41

Word count: 2.2 K


I wasn't sure how much time passed. All I knew was that I was ready. My long hair that was usually let down in golden waves was tightly tied into a bun, my healing wounds wrapped in clean bandages. My formerly destroyed clothes were replaced by a white shirt stolen from Marco's closet, and a baggy but thick materialized pants from Thatch.

The nurses warned me of the danger of moving too much, but I assured them I was fine, the familiar itching of the forming scabs being a distant annoyance at the back of my mind. Roki was safely in one of my portals, put away for this war I was going to participate in. I wasn't willing to risk his safety.

Suddenly feeling something getting thrown at me, I react, my hand coming out to catch the object that was carelessly flung at me. I questioningly looked at the sheathed falchion sword before moving my gaze to Thatch, who was responsible for throwing it at me.

The said man chewed on a cigarette as he gave me a nod, "keep it, it's a spare I have. You'll probably have a good use for it," the man grumbled as he stared forward, watching as the fish swam around the ship.

I follow his gaze, looking at the dark blue water that surrounded us. Silently, I wondered if I could have enjoyed such a beautiful sight if we weren't heading towards the war zone, where I was confident countless lives would be lost. Gritting my teeth, I hooked the sheath to the belt that kept my pants up before cracking my neck and rolling my shoulders.

The deck was beginning to get crowded with the Whitebeard crew, the men around us getting rowdy as we neared our goal. They all had a look of determination on their faces, fingers twitching as if they were itching to fight.

"We just received a message via the transmission snail from the other ships that the Gate of Justice was successfully opened!" Someone shouts, the men around us cheering at the newfound information.

I can't help but swallow, my mouth feeling dry as Alabasta's desert and my stomach bubbling with nervousness that made me want to throw up. It's a rare but not an unfamiliar feeling. I recognized it, and I secretly hoped I'll never feel it again in the past.

This feeling of dread and fear.

The first time I felt it was when I watched Sabo get killed. The second time when I genuinely thought I was going to get killed along with Luffy's crew by Bartholomew Kuma. And right now, as I think about how I might have to watch my remaining older brother get executed.

"We'll save him," I snapped out of my negative thoughts, hearing a voice that spoke to me. I recognize the owner of the voice as Marco without even looking, seeing that the blonde man took his place beside me, his arms crossed over his chest as he looked around. I followed his gaze, seeing the three other ships that were coated along with the Moby Dick slowly rising up. The dark blue waters gradually became a lighter color as the sunlight reached where we were as we neared the surface.

The battle was going to begin...

Taking a deep breath, I hardened my expression as the ship broke the surface, the bubble coating surrounding the Moby Dick popping and the waves splashing onto the deck at the movement. I crossed my arms over my chest as I proudly stand beside Marco, my icy blue eyes narrowed on the enemy.

However, I'm quick to catch sight of a certain man who kneeled on a platform, staring at us with a look of shock.

"Ace...." I can't help but whisper, my expression falling as I see my older brother's bruised up face and body. I can't help but sadly look at him, my eyebrows furrowing as I see that Ace notices me standing proudly between Marco and Thatch. The dark-haired man looks down, and although far, I could see the way he bit his lips.

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