Chapter XVI: Serendipity

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Searching for Brothers: Chapter 16

Word count: 2.0 k


The sun was high in the sky, the gentle breeze making the palm trees sway on the beach shore. It seemed peaceful at first glance. However, all animals stayed hidden in the trees high in the air or deep in the burrows underground, trying to hide from the wrath a certain female was emitting.

Bloodlust was leaking out of the blonde female as she angrily sat on the beach, incoherent mumbles leaving her mouth like a mantra of curses.

Even Roki, her loyal partner refused to come out of the portal when she opened it, fearing for his own life. The massive beast took one glance at Clementine before his tail got tucked between his legs, hissed leaving his mouth.

Clementine would have tried to get out of this godforsaken island if she could. But the trees on the island weren't sturdy enough to even make a raft. Her Devil's fruit power could create a boat. However, what it could do was limited. If it were to touch sea water, it would dissolve into nothing, leaving her to her demise as she sunk to the bottom of the sea floor like lead.

"I'm going to murder him the next time I see him...." Clementine growled as she carved the 13th line on a boulder with a dull knife she would rather drive into her older brother's head.

It didn't help that she was able to see which way her brother had gone because of the Vivre Card she had of his. It just fueled her anger even more until she had to force to put away the card in her hat and leave it in the small house inside one of her dimensions.

It was almost going to be two weeks since Ace had abandoned her on this island. Two fucking weeks of no one even glancing at the small island.

Clementine swears she was going to murder someone if she doesn't get off of it anytime soon. She had expected some ship to pass in a few days, but it hadn't.

Food and water wasn't an issue, her Devil's fruit covered that. But she was going insane with boredom. Her dress was abandoned and was traded with blue shorts and a bikini top to help her stay cool under the blazing heat. Even her hair that was usually down was tied up to a ponytail to keep herself cool.

Is she doesn't se—

Her eyes widened as she caught a black speck on the horizon. It was tiny, but it was a speck that wasn't there earlier. She swears she wasn't hallucinating.

Jumping to her feet, she scrambled up a tree to see at a better angle. It was slow, but the ship was surely nearing, becoming more prominent.

At first, Clementine was grinning, getting excited at the prospect of getting off the island. If it's a pirate that's not friendly, she'll take them out and steal the ship. If it's a marine ship, the same thing. And if is a merchant ship and they're willing to take her, she'll hop right on.

However, as the ship slowly neared and the Jolly Roger came to view, the smile slowly disappeared. Sweat began to form on her forehead and neck, not from heat but nervousness.

At first, Clementine shook her head and laughed, not believing her eyes. There's no way he would be here in Paradise...

He wouldn't....

However, as the ship comes closer and closer, Clementine's skin became pale. She wasn't sure if it was because she was holding her breath or because of dread.

When her eyes zoned on a certain red-haired male, she closed her eyes, doing a silent prayer as she welcomed death with open arms.

Clementine tried to make herself smaller as she hid in the broad leaves of the palm tree. She held her breath as she peeked behind the shadow, watching as Shanks stepped onto the shore, his usual long cape over his shoulder.

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