Chapter IX: Adding Blue to My Epithet

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"Tsk..." The click of her tongue escaped the blonde's lips as she used her umbrella to block the powerful hit from her 'teacher.'

"Good Menti! Remember to concentrate on your surroundings!" The captain of the Red Hair Pirates yelled as he attacked her once again with his saber, a wicked grin spread across his face as he continued his relentless attacks.

Clementine's lips thinned in concentration as she dodged the attack by flipping into the air, "it would be much easier if I had my eyesight, Shanks..." She complained, finding the cloth that kept hitting her face annoying.

Shanks let out a chuckle as he attacked the younger female again, "remember, this is the training you'll need! We'll be reaching Whitebeard's ship in less than half a year!"

As Shanks finished speaking, he motioned towards Lucky Roo, silently commanding the portly man and the rest of his rookie crew members to shoot their bullets towards the blonde female.

As the first bullet was shot, Clementine froze, realizing there were multiple pistols aimed at her.

She gritted her teeth for a moment before relaxing her body, allowing her arms to fall beside her limply. Calmly, she dodged each bullet that flew at her, using her Kenbunshoku Haki.

However, her eyebrows furrowed in annoyance as the image of ten or so men raising their pistol entered her mind.

'I won't be able to dodge all those....!' She thought in slight panic, gritting her teeth.

At that moment her body seemed to release a burst of power, rolling out of her body in large waves.

Shank's and his main crew's eyes widened as they watched the weaker of the crew drop to the floor, foaming at their mouth.

Clementine who felt the sudden disappearance of her enemy stopped and slowly took off the red cloth that was given to her by Shanks.

"What...?" She muttered as she cocked her head to the side, eyeing all of the unconscious males with her icy blue eyes. However, as she realized she had released Haoshoku Haki subconsciously, she sheepishly scratched her neck.

Benn Beckman, the first mate of Shanks, shared a look with his red-haired captain, shaking his head in disbelief while the later male had a small smirk on his lips.

"Captain, I say it's about time we stop with the training for today. We don't want to end of with an exhausted crew, eh?" Benn questioned as he lit another cigarette in his mouth, sending an accusing look to Clementine who laughed hesitantly.

Shanks lightly tapped one of his unconscious crew members before eyeing the young female for a moment, breaking into a grin, "well then, let's have a banquet!!! Menti, bring out the sake!! The booze!!!! Let's drink before these fools wake up!"

Clementine sighed and carefully folded the red cloth that was used to cover her eyes. She sent the older male a judging look for a second before sighing. "Here Shanks," the blonde handed the cloth to the man, a fond smile appearing on her pink lips.

Shanks smiled and nodded in thanks before rewrapping it around his waist, "banquet! Banquet!!!" He cheered merrily, throwing his one remaining arm over the smaller female's shoulder.

Clementine smiled at Shanks's friendly manners, already used to his cheerful character after spending seven months with his crew.

'So it's already been over a year since I've left the island huh....?' The former noble thought to herself, thinking about her younger brother of two years.

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