Chapter XXVII: Welcome to Sabaody Archipelago

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Searching for Brothers: Chapter 27

Word count: 2.3 k


"Welcome to Sabaody Archipelago!"

Shanks holds in a laugh as he watches the blonde female's face morph into awe, her usually sharp, feline-like eyes widening at the sight before her.

Her lips were slightly parted as she mouthed "wow" her chin getting pointed to the air as she tried to see the tall mangrove trees that stretched into the sky.

"Alright, make sure you park the ship somewhere discrete and hidden!" Shanks is quick to order as he dusts off his cape, his eyes becoming uncharacteristically serious. "We don't want the Marines knowing we've docked here, we are still considered one of the Yonko's." The red-haired man comments, his eyes moving back to Clementine after his crew began to prepare to dock.

Feeling his gaze, the said female turned to him, a look of confusion on her face.

"Yes?" She questioned, her head tilting slightly, her eyebrows furrowing in concern as she noticed Shanks' expression. She could tell he had something important to say to her.

"I need to tell you a few things before we step in, for both your and our safety," Shanks began with a sigh, motioning the female to follow him.

Clementine didn't hesitate on doing so, following the captain to a small flight of stairs for them to sit down. The female frowned, straightening her back as she quickly made herself go into business mode, knowing the red-haired man had something serious to tell her by the way he was acting.

"Okay, to begin because Sabaody Archipelago is the last island in Paradise, there are a lot of pirate crews staying and preparing to head out to the New World. And to counter that, there are a lot of Marines here as well, and especially because their headquarters is also located here, the island is literally swarming with them. Which means, we can't cause drastic scenes or it'll literally be like having a sign on our forehead saying, 'kill me! I'm a pirate!' And I'm sure that's something we want to avoid. I don't want to lose another arm you see," Shanks laughed. However, he stopped, awkwardly coughing as Clementine gave him a look that screamed, "really?" Not looking an ounce impressed by his joke.

"I think this is something you should be telling your crew instead of me. I'm the least likely person to cause issues," Clementine decides to say, watching as Shanks releases a chuckle.

"Ah that may be partially true. But they should know this seeing as they've been here before. Anyhow, that's not the only concern I have, there are also many bounty hunters who are foolish enough to attack you for money and of course, our biggest concern..." Shanks pauses, his lips shaping into a frown, his eyes gauging on the female's reaction. "This island is frequently visited by the World Nobles."

Clementine's eyes hardened, her body stiffening at the info that was shared to her. She doesn't say anything but the red-haired man could see that she was gritting her teeth, her hands curling into a fist.

"I'm not saying to not do it, but I recommend you not to take on a World Noble. Even I would rather leave them be," Shanks admits with a giant sigh. His eyes shift to the blonde, knowing the young woman had a strong hate for the World Noble after her older brother's life was taken by them.

Clementine suddenly relaxes, released a large breath before she straightens her back. Her face was no longer scrunched in anger, her shoulders releasing the tension.

"Understandable, we don't want an admiral suddenly appearing right?" Clementine sighs as she pinches the bridge of her nose. "Honestly, I'm not sure anyone would be stupid enough to attack a World Noble. They must be crazy or just plain clueless to do that," the blonde grumbles as she shakes her head, a shiver running down her back at the thought. Although she would personally love to punch one in the face until they became unconscious, she sadly didn't also have a death wish. 

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