Chapter XXXVI: Admiral Appearance

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Searching for Brother: 36

Word count: 2.1 k

A/N: they y'all, I'm breaking the streak after today. This is probably going to be the last update for a bit while I write my other works, if you haven't seen my post about what's happening on my board, go check it out!! 


Clementine stayed silent as Sanji walked up to her, the blond cook eyeing what she was looking down at as well, similar thoughts running through his head.

The female had a thoughtful look on her eyes as she gazed at the injuries on the Shichibukai, noticing the screws and metals that poked out of Kuma's flesh that made the alarm flags in her head to rise.

'He was modified... But by who... and why...?' Clementine thinks to herself deeply, wiping her cheeks to get rid of any dust or blood on her skin.

She turned around to face her younger brother's crew, her eyes nervously darting around. She did not like being in the open like that at all...."We need to go now. And I mean now. As much as I would like you all to rest, we can't risk being here," Clementine hissed, limping to where Luffy panted on the floor looking beat, her expression shifting to worry as she takes in the state he's in.

Like herself, Luffy has bleeding wounds, his clothes roughened up. Thankfully nothing seemed too serious, however, she knew that her younger brother was already exhausted, having to use his more powerful attacks to take down the Shichibukai. The boy with the straw hat weakly lifted his head and made eye contact with his sister who lifted him up with by tugging on his arms.

"We need to hide ourselves first... if someone else found us now in this state, they could easily take the whole crew out at once," Clementine gritted out, her ankle protesting under her brother's extra weight. "Come on Luffy, we need to—" the young woman doesn't get to finish her words, her eyes snapping up to the sky, the hair at the back of her neck standing up in alarm. Clementine scowls as she tackles her brother down, their bodies rolling on the floor as something crashed to where they were moments ago. She was confident that if she didn't get them away from the spot they stood moments ago, they would have been crushed like a bug.

The female spat out a mouthful of blood as her back slams against a broken stone wall. The impact leaving the air knocked out of her lungs, the sharp edge digging into her spine, surely leaving a bruise there on the pale soft skin.

She is, however, quickly back on her feet, her eyes narrowing on the new presence on the field they all stood at.

"Oi... Oi.... What have they done to you, huh? PX-4....? It takes enough funds for a whole battleship to build just one of you Pacifistas, you know....!" A man wearing a red bib along with tsuna wrapped around his waist complained as he eyed the Pacifistas on the floor. "Ugh, how am I gonna tell ok' Doc Punk about this...?" The man almost resembled a character named Kintaro from old Wano folklore Clementine had read in the past

Clementine swallowed thickly, her hands twitching as she took in the man's companion, her mouth becoming dry as another Bartholomew Kuma stood behind him. Her mind quickly became jumbled, not understanding what was happening.

'Was that Bartholomew Kuma we killed not the real one....?!'

"Ahhhhhh!!!! It's another one!!!! Another Shichibukai?!!!" Chopper screamed, his hat flying off his head as he screamed along with Usopp.

While Luffy's crew freaked out, Clementine was trying to come up with a plan. In the worst-case scenario, she was going to have to let Luffy and his team runoff, while she dealt with the new enemy somehow. At the same time, she was thinking about the possibility of throwing herself and Luffy's crew inside one of her portals, but that would mean she'll have to expose her power.

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