Chapter XXV: Red Haired Pirates

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Searching for Brothers: 25

Word count: 1.8 k


For once, there was no party on the Red Force, the cheerful screams of the men not being heard on the Red Hair Pirates' ship. Instead, they were replaced with grunts as men of various looks and size worked out, either with weights or with each other in sprawls.

Those who weren't participating watched on the sideline with stern faces, silently watching others, giving out suggestion and critiques to improve themselves.


Everyone else gasped, ducking down with their arms covering their heads. Sadly, Lucky Roo who was eating like always didn't even get to react as a body flew into his stomach, making the air get knocked out of his lung, along with the rack of meat in his hand.

"My meat!!" The man dressed in green and white cried in devastation, not even seeming to be bothered by the body that crashed into his stomach and bounced off.

The said body, still laid on the ground, low groans leaving her mouth, her head spinning as she tried to process what happened.

"Oops, I think that was a bit too hard," Shanks unapologetically laughed, rolling his shoulder as he nonchalantly stretched. "Jeez, I'm becoming old, I can't even control my hits anymore," the man released a booming laugh while many of his crew who were cowering away sweatdropped.

Clementine finally sat up. However, she still could see stars spinning above her head and was painfully aware that her arms that blocked Shanks' attack were throbbing. She was certain that she'll wake up with purple and blue bruises lining her skin tomorrow morning.

When her head finally cleared, she childishly pouts on the floor, waving a hand at some of the men who worriedly approached her to see if she's okay.

"Your fighting skills are above average, but if you're traveling in the New World, you're not going to last long," Building Snake who was watching beside Beckman commented as he lifted his sunglasses above his eyes.

Building Snake, the man who spoke was one of Shanks crew's tallest member, also being in the top ten of his most trusted man. His dragon tattoo that stretched from his arm to his neck was one of the first things people noticed, and it was quite his pride that he'll even show it to you if you asked him the story behind it. Which Clementine obviously did when she got close to him and the rest of the crew.

"I say she should probably enhance her Devil's Fruit, have an offensive attack using it," Limejuice a male with long blonde hair commented while he adjusted his nut-shaped hat on his head

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"I say she should probably enhance her Devil's Fruit, have an offensive attack using it," Limejuice a male with long blonde hair commented while he adjusted his nut-shaped hat on his head. Most of the crew called him Lime, and he too was another one of Shanks most trusted man. He sat on a barrel with his arms crossed over his chest, his lips pulled into a frown as he watched the sprawl Clementine and Shanks were in.

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