Chapter XXX: Auctioned Off and Bought by a Pirate

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Searching for Brother: 30

Word count: 2.5 k

A/N: hey y'all, hope I'm making up for my MIA the last month, lmao. Please leave comments and votes, I see you all none commenters and voters.... I know there's at least a 400 people reading each chapter but only a handful of you comment and I only see 30 votes and stuff in the last chapter.

My point is, I know you're there! Please at least vote to know you're liking the writing, it really does become motivation for writers to continue writing and feel appreciated for their work!! Cause, honestly without feedback, I don't know if I'm even doing it right for you all.


Clementine always knew the world was cruel, unfair and brutal to the young. However, seeing the children crying in their cages really did ache her heart as she was forced to wait backstage.

The staff had forced her in a golden crate, one that resembled a bird cage, even going to the point to litter the bottom with large sticks and feathers, making a human-sized bird nest. And currently, Clementine sat in the middle of it, thinking back to the command of the slave auction staff.

She honestly thought that it was ridiculous, a scoff leaving her lips as she sat in the pile of white and light blue feathers. Were they doing all of this just because her epithet was the Blue Angel?

The blonde scowled, her two epithets both had the word blue in it and to be honest, she didn't like either of them. The title of a noble is something she threw away after the death of Sabo years ago, and Clementine wouldn't even consider herself an angel. Quite the opposite, seeing as she did create a dimension where it's filled with blood and death, even naming it bloody world and hell world.

Yes, she was definitely not an angel.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, you're in for a treat tonight! We have three slaves that are big items tonight. Although I will not spoil all of them immediately, our next slave is one of the three!" Clementine rolls her eyes as she hears Disco's excited voice. She was tempted to sew shut his mouth so she wouldn't have to listen to his obnoxious voice for another second.

Her eyes shift to one of the staff, seeing the man caring a large piece of blue cloth and covering the cage she was in, blocking her sight.

"She's a beauty, pale, creamy skin! Long, slim legs, a beautiful face. And let's not forget her luscious golden hair that resembles gold strings! A beautiful angel, who's even wanted by the world government!" Disco's words make the crowd chatter excitedly.

Both Kidd and Law looked up in interest at the last comment Disco made, their eyebrows furrowing as they wondered what the statement meant. The world government....?

Law leaned forward, his elbows getting placed on his knees while his hands intertwined together as he watched the stage in interest as the staff rolled in a large cage covered in a royal blue cloth.

Bepo obviously noticed his captain's change of posture, his beady eyes moving to Law in confusion before looking back at the stage too.

"She's been seen with powerful men. However, she is still shrouded with mysteries only appearing to the public's eyes two years ago! What you would like to use her for is up to you. However, I'm sure her beauty will make you gentlemen's head wonder to somewhere not so innocent. The young lady with a bounty of 350,000,000!"

Kidd's smirk he had on his face fell for a split second, his mouth tugging to a frown at the surprisingly large bounty he was not expecting. His eyes curiously shifted to the cage that was still covered, hiding the girl that was being sold.

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