Chapter I: The First Lost Brother

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I coughed harshly as I dragged myself onto the sandy beach, the waves gently lapping at my feet while I laid on the ground. The dress I was wearing had soaked up so much seawater from the ocean, they felt like lead. It was almost impossible for me to stand up in my weakened state.

Another wave of coughs attacked my small body as I dragged myself up the shore, my body gathering sand as well as filth. In my arms was my brother's signature hat and goggles, my hands had a tight, protective hold on them.

Moving my wet blonde bangs out of my face, I laid on the sand trying to even out my breathing. My chest rose and fell unevenly as I stared into the orange and yellow sky of a sunset. I ignored the sharp pain I kept feeling on my left waist and looked into the cloudless sky.

As I cleared my mind and evened out my ragged breathing, the realization of what had happened hit my body as tears started to form once again. Still laying in the same position, my shoulders shook as I sobbed into my brother's hat.

"N-Nii-chan... W-Why?!" I cried painfully. In my mind, the goofily grinning image of my blond older brother played like a broken recording of a movie. Everything about him, his missing teeth, his bandaged nose, his metal staff he always carried around played in my mind.

My sobs soon turned into hiccups and even those turned to sniffles in the end. Gritting my teeth, I forced my wobbly legs to support my weight. I staggered for a second before standing up, the blue top hat and goggles hugged to my chest as I dragged my feet away from the water.

I needed to go to them...

I needed to find them...

The sandy beach soon turned to a lush green, grass and leaves covered forest. My eyes were emotionless and blank, dangerously glaring at all the living animals that hid behind the bushes and trees. None of them bothered me as I dragged myself through the thick trees, the entrance of the mountain that belonged to the bandits.

I stared straight forward, navigating through the forest I hunted and lived in for months. Pained hisses escaped my lips every time my clothes rubbed against my waist. However, I didn't stop, my feet continuing to carry me through the familiar jungle.

The pain in my waist started to become numb after a while, making me look down at it in mild concern. My once clean dress was wet and covered with sand. And with the sand and sea water, the crimson color of my blood mixed, staining the blue fabric to an ugly brown.

I scowled at my injury in distaste. Obviously jumping off a cliff into the water wasn't the safest option, especially when the floors were covered with jagged stones.

Ignoring the pain and tiredness, I pushed myself to continue through the forest. However, I came to a stop when a familiar animal emerges as it stood in my way, baring its fangs to me.

My cerulean blue eyes stared at the large tiger-like animal. The animal that was much larger than me had two sharp teeth that looked like it could belong to a sabertooth tiger, its fur being black and orange stripes that moved down its body.

Suddenly the memory of three boys riding the animal popped into my mind. That's why this animal was familiar to me...

It growled viciously as me and crouched down as if it was going to pounce at any moment. However, the anger and sadness I was feeling overpowering my fear as I continued to stand before it. I emotionlessly stared at it, not flinching or moving as it leaped at me, it's claw catching me above my left eyebrow.

Blood trickled down to my eyes making me subconsciously close it. My other eye narrowed with eerie calmness as I took a step closer to the beast, "back off," I muttered, my eyes getting hooded by my bangs.

At that moment, I felt invincible, my own voice sounding muffled as if something was blocking the sound from entering my ears.

Something was different...

Like a wave, something similar to a warm gust of air got released out of my body and hit the animal. Immediately its ears flattened down as it fell to the ground crouched down. It's once fierce eyes were round and blank, staring up at me with its pupils blown wide.

Fear and submission replaced its eyes that were filled with hunger earlier. It laid flat to the ground with it belly dropped to the forest floor as it crawled over to me in a submissive position. The animal avoided eye contact as it rolled over, showing me it's stomach as if it was begging for forgiveness.

I was in awe at the 180 turn of attitude the beast showed me. However, I wasn't able to hold my temptation as my hand slowly reached out.

Soft and warm...

The feline-like animal suddeny stood up and turned around, looking back at me. It's once vicious looking eyes seemed more human as it looked at me. It was as if it was saying, 'Get on.'

With a slight struggle, I climbed onto it's back, the cut on my waist still bleeding, dripping down onto the beast's fur. However, by now, the pain was numb, and I barely could feel anything.

I was just numb. It was as if everything in my body had shut off.

Using one hand holding onto my brother's hat I used the other to grip onto the long fur pulling on it like reins to guide the animal.

Flashes of image continued to pop into my mind as I rode on the beast's back. Even after blinking and shaking my head, the image of the cannon hitting the small wooden boat continued to run through my head like a broken record. Gripping tighter to the hat in my arms, I looked forward.

Soon the forest ended opening into a clearing where one worn out house barely stood. With my knees wobbling slightly, I got off the animal's back and petted it before stalking off to the house. The loud screams were ear deafening as I stood in front of the door.

Without hesitating, I slammed the door open and walked in. Immediately the screaming seized to a stop. My one open eye surveyed the area, though it quickly stopped onto two boys.

One, the smaller form was sobbing hysterically while standing at the corner of the room. The other, a boy with freckles littering his face was holding a smaller bandit by the collar of his shirt. His mouth was hanging open as his dark eyes stared at me in disbelief.

"C-Clemie..." Ace gasped as he stared at me wide-eyed. He dropped Dogra and quickly scrambled over to me and crouched down. His rough hands grabbed my face as he peered into my eyes in shock and worry.

I felt tears start to form in my eyes once again but pushed it back with a whimper and bit my lip, "A-Ace, h-he's he's gone..." I cried as I held the hat tighter to my chest. The older boy's eyes darted to the hat in my arms before going back to my face.

He angrily gritted his teeth before he darted to the door grabbing a metal pipe on his way, "damn those bastards, I'm going to avenge his death!" He yelled angrily. In shock, I tried to run after him but swayed as I suddenly felt light-headed.

I tumbled to the ground and laid my head down on the cold floor in pain and watched as the orange haired female bandit immediately catch Ace and smash his face into the ground, "stop it, you damn brat!" Dadan bellowed as she pushed down harder, putting her whole weight to hold Ace down.

My view of the two of them got moved when somebody picked me up. I was about to protest, but when I felt them looking at my injuries, I closed my mouth. However, I continued to listen to the yelling between the two.

"Get off.....!" Ace screamed, "don't get in my wa-" my eyes became droopy, and my mind started to get fuzzy as well.

"Oi, Dadan, Ace! She's lost a lot of blood! She's not going to make it if we don't stop the bleeding!" A voice yelled stopping the argument between the two. I felt hands lift my body up while pressing something against my waist.

Wincing in pain, I closed my eyes. My fingers felt numb and strangely cold. The voices I was hearing suddenly disappeared, I was too tired to think anymore. And before I knew it, everything was blank.

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