Chapter XV: Threatening Dear Brother

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Chapter 15
Word count: 1.6 k


Clementine hummed as she stared at the night ocean, the waves awfully calm. Her finger twitched as her ears picked up an unusual sound, something she wouldn't hear at night at sea in the middle of nowhere.

It's time.

Roki was already in one of her dimensions, probably sleeping away and ready to come out any time she thought to call him out. All of her necessary items were stuffed into the bag on her back, and she was ready to go.

Her footsteps were silent as they carried her to the back of the boat, where a dim light was lit.

"Were you really just going to leave without saying anything?" Clementine questioned, making the man who was climbing onto the small vehicle gasp and whirl around.

A look of surprise appeared on Ace's face, but he was quick to recover, sending a scowl to his younger sister who had a hand on her hip, an unimpressed smile on her face.

"Go back to sleep, Clementine," Ace grumbled, moving to carry his stuff onto the Striker, ignoring the blonde's presence.

"Like hell I am. Knowing you, you'll end up doing something stupid and get in trouble," Clementine laughed, watching as a vein popped on Ace's forehead.

The black-haired male sighed as he stressfully ran a hand through this hair, ruffling his already messy strands. "Oh come on. I won't, and you can't leave this ship! Shanks not gonna be happy and I don't want you coming with me to chase after Teach. He's not someone you can tak—"

Clementine rolled her eyes as she crossed her arm over her chest. "And like hell, you would be able to take him on by yourself! Thatch, a fellow commander, got beat, and you think you won't face the same thing?"

"Hah?! What the heck are you saying?!"

Not before long, the two began arguing, their voice rising at each passing second.

"I'll be fine! I'm stronger than you!!"

"What the heck are you saying?! Stop being so cocky, we're the same in strength!"

"No, we're not! Yeah, you're stronger than most girls, but you are still a girl!!"

Clementine gasped loudly, her hand covering her mouth, actually looking offended at what Ace spat out. Her eyes narrowed dangerously as she raised her hand, her fingers curled into a fist.

"Oh, you just did not say that," she lowly growled, her fist snapping open, her fingers spread open, "Lanua Patentibus!"

Ace's eyes widened in shock as the ground he was on opened up below him, his body falling through the gaping black hole. He released a yelp, trying to grab onto something but the hole seemed to grow larger and he fell through, his scream and curses echoing through the night. The blonde female closed her fist again, the gap disappearing as she did so.

Clementine released a huff, her eyebrows twitching because of irritation. She was heavily offended by her older brother's words, not expecting the insult he probably didn't truly mean. However, it did still sting. Yes, there were women pirates in the world, but they were much less common than men. The notable female pirates you can think of off the top of your head probably being less than your ten fingers.

"Where did you make him disappear to, yoi?"

Clementine whirled around in alarm, her eyes meeting Marco who was leaned against one of the cabin, one of his eyebrows raised. The man seemed slightly concerned as he eyed the floor that used to be where Ace was standing, the hole has now disappeared as if nothing had existed there a mere seconds ago.

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