Chapter VIII: Near Drowning

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"Luffy has one more sibling?" Shanks questioned, looking even more surprised.

My eyes sadden before I placed a neutral look back on. "I used to have a biological older brother by a year, but he got killed by a Tenryuubito."

All the pirates that were still conscious and listening to our conversation narrowed their eyes, some of them even sending me a look of pity.

However, I was surprised when Shanks didn't look at me with pity and just smiled at me, his teeth getting flashed.

"You're pretty strong! You have Haoshoku Haki, it's impressive. Dahaha!!!!!" He harshly slapped me on my shoulder.

I wasn't expecting the hit, my mouth dropped open in shock at the force as I tipped back.

Oh no...


All the men on the boat gasped as the blonde female fell off of their deck, tumbling into the ocean.

Shank's eyes widen as he watched the female reach her hands towards him. However, he stayed frozen in disbelief as she dropped into the water, going overboard.

"Oi, is she going to be alright?" Benn seemed to look equally as surprised, running to the side of the boat and looking down at the blue water in concern. Beside him, the other crew members also peered over the rail, waiting for the female's head to pop back up.

Shanks, on the other hand, laughed it off and drank his alcohol in one gulp. "She'll be fine! What kind of pirate can't swim?" However, the red-haired man froze when he heard his crew yell.

"She's not resurfacing!"

"The bubbles stopped!"

The blood drained out of both Benn and Shank's face.

'If Ace and Luffy are devil user....' Benn thought in shock.

Shanks immediately threw his coat off his shoulder and threw his beer keg on the ground. "SHIT!! SHE'S A DEVILS USER!!!" He screamed in panic, jumping off of his ship, diving into the dark waters.


My thoughts ran wild in panic as I fell into the water, everything moving in slow motion as I flailed my arms. The ice cold water made my clothes even heavier, and my limbs felt as if they weren't my own.

Bubbles escaped my lips replacing it with deadly salty water. My lungs burned as water entered them, leaving me helpless.

I couldn't believe after being so careful after eating my devil's fruit, I still fell into the water and was drowning.

I angrily glared at the beam of light from the sun, but when I saw a shadow swimming towards me, relief washed over me a bit.

My arms were heavy as lead, it being impossible to reach my hand towards my rescuer. However, the person easily swam towards me and hooked a muscular arm around my waist.

And with strong, powerful kicks, he brought us back to surface. As our head broke the water, I gasped and spluttered, desperately clinging onto Shanks. My eyes and nose burned from the salt water, rigid coughs escaping my lips as I tried to expel water out of my lungs.

My eyes watered in pain as I breathed shallowly, trying to bring my breathing to normal.

Gladly accepting the help of the men who dragged me back onto the ship, I laid on my back, sprawled on the wet deck with my hair sticking to my face.

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