Chapter LXVIII: Foul Mouth

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Chapter 68

Word Count: 2.5 k


"At least there's somewhat of a path," Penguin chirps with his hands behind his head, walking a step behind his captain. Law doesn't respond, silently following behind his first mate and female who walked on the trail ahead, hand in hand.

Not getting a verbal response as he hopped, Penguin's shoulder drops as he sulks childishly. The male mentally thinks about pestering his captain, lightly kicking a pebble on the forest floor. But before he could think of a plan, he was slamming face-first into a firm back, a small yelp leaving his lips.

Clutching onto his nose with his eyes watering in pain, Penguin realized for the first time that the three that walked in front of him had all stopped. The man sends his captain a sheepish gaze as he receives a cold exasperated look from Law.

Clueless to what had happened behind her, Clementine gazes at the river they reached, the bridge of her nose wrinkling in disgust at the rotten smell penetrating her nose.

The river, not too big, was little less than 25 meters across. And from it came the smell that gave the blonde a headache even when she had a mask that covered her nose and mouth.

The water seemed to be flowing, yet it was murky. The surface was glossy and colorful from what Clementine could assume was oil that polluted it. She was almost positive oil wasn't the only thing polluting the water seeing a carcass of what looked like a deer on the banks of the river.

Her cerulean gaze shifted to the polar bear mink, opening her mouth to speak to him. But she stops, her eyes widening in surprise as she realizes the mink's eyes were rolled to the back of his head while his paws covered his nose and mouth.

Realization dawned on her, her gaze shifting to pity for the poor mink who obviously got the full-blown force of the putrid odor of the water with his excelled sense of smell.

Law sighs, crossing his arms over his chest as Clementine works on a sitting Bepo. The female trying to help the poor mink out by stuffing his nose with some tissues she pulled out of her storage portal.

"Sorry...." Bepo mutters, dropping his head gloomily. "I'm slowing us down....."

Clementine encouragingly pats the sizeable polar bear's head, "don't worry about it, Bepo. It's not like you can do anything about something like this." The female gently speaks, silently enjoying the soft fur she feels between her fingers.

Her words seemed to cheer up the polar bear a bit, Bepo clutching his paw in front of him in a tight fist as his expression changed to something a bit more reliable.

"My sense of smell caused us some problem this time, but my hearing is also enhanced, so I'll let you all know if I hear somethi- eh? "Bepo couldn't finish his sentence as Clementine's hand shot out next to his head.

Drops of sweat begin to drip down Bepo's blue face as he turns his head like a creaky robot in need of some oil. His gaze lands on Clementine's hand that holds an arrow, the wood breaking in half in her palm before dropping to the floor, split into two separate pieces.

It doesn't take an idiot to realize that the arrow was aimed at his head. A silent shriek leaves the mink's mouth, all the fur on his body standing up, his eyes rolling to the back of his head one more.

Law immediately has his hand on his nodaichi while Penguin surveys their surroundings, ready to move any second if necessary.

"Too bad his hearing didn't help in this situation," Penguin mumbles under his breath.

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