A/N's note and answering qustions

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So, someone of you have been asking me about Clementine's power and the creatures she's created. Here, I'm going to discuss a little bit of her power plus welcome you all to ask questions that I can answer.

So first, lets talk about her devil fruit power. It's the Kukan Kukan no Mi, aka, the portal portal devil fruit.

In her portal, she is able to create a world, anything is technically possible in this portal and you've all seen how she was able to preserve Thatch's body in one of her portal worlds to prevent him from dying. More of her power will be explained later in the story but know, there's a defined limit to what she can do currently.

First, in the recent chapter, we find that when she's exhausted or her body is at a certain limit, she can't tap into her devil's fruit power and open up a portal. (Note when she wanted to block Akainu's fist but couldn't open a portal.)

Another weakness she obviously has is water. While she is able to bring back anything she creates in her portal world, when it touches/has contact with water, it will disintegrate. Of course, this may change a bit in the future as she able to control more of her devil fruit power.

Now, lets talk about her portal world. Currently she has four worlds. One, a jungle that Roki often resides in, another the endless flower field with a little cute shed, aka the one that looks from howls moving castle, Et sanguine Mundi the world where the Grimsouls and Blood beast live in, and finally Infernum Mundi the world that makes the person in it live their worst nightmare endlessly.

I believe in the past, we mentioned Kieran D. Cooper, the former owner of the devil fruit power had tremendous powers and have hundreds of worlds created. However, many of the powers of the devil fruit is still a mystery that Clementine will have to find and research herself. Either way, in the current state, she's no where close to achieving the full potential of her powers.

Now, lets rewind back to her creations. Her Grimsouls and Blood beast. So, I've described the grimsouls to be these creatures that have grotesque looks that also has the smell of rotting flesh. In my mind, I imagine something similar to what a wendigo from The Native American folklore. However, I would like to note that the grimsouls don't all look the same, and have various of different looks. I also want to mention that while they are solid, their forms almost look like it is malleable. In other words, they're creatures that are all placed in the same categories of Grimsouls. Some may look like blob of humanoid flesh, some may look a bit Smokey, while other may have more animalistic characters. Either way, please imagine hem to look scary and something straight out of hell. And interesting enough, they seem to have character as well although they will listen to anything their commander aka Clementine tells them to do.

Now for the blood beast. a small part of me regrets making them seeing as I already have Roki,  but they are another part of Clementine's army. I imagine them more animal like and their forms take a Smokey misty look more so than the Grimsouls. Either way, they listen to Clementine's order and can be deadly.

Okay, I wet over the basics right now, I was bore and quickly drew some extremely low quality pictures of the Grimsouls but like I said super low quality done in like five minutes.

Now in the comments, leave any questions that you may have that you would like to get answer

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Now in the comments, leave any questions that you may have that you would like to get answer. However, I do warn you, I wont be answer anything that reveal what will happen in the future although you are welcome to think of theories. I will wont confirm or deny anything but it'll be interesting to see what you all think.

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