Chapter XLVII: This Fucked up World Should Be Gone

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Searching for Brothers: Chapter 47

Searching for Brothers: Chapter 47

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A/N: Eh, surprised? Make sure you leave comments and votes, a motivation for me to write quicker tbh


I'm worthless.

I'm an absolute failure.

I can't do shit.

I can't keep promises...

I couldn't protect Sabo.

I couldn't protect Ace.


H-He's gone. He's fucking gone...

This fucked up world that keeps stealing people I love. This fucked up government... This fucked up world...

They all should disappear... all disappear, get destroyed........

This fucked up world should be gone.


Those who watched the scene unfold in front of them were all rooted where they stood in fear. What their eyes witnessed was like a painting straight out of hell.


"What are these?!"

Marco swallowed, his eyes widening as he watched black portals begin to appear all over the area, creatures so monstrous and unknown crawling out. The blond man felt a shiver run down, his throat bobbing as he made eye contact with one of the creatures. It's glowing red eyes seemed to narrow in amusement, the mouth opening and tilting up as if it was smiling, flashing layers of sharp teeth that dripped black tar.

And it seemed to enjoy as its tremendous claw pierced a nearby marine in the chest before it's black tar-like body swallowed the dead man whole. The stench of rotting flesh and oil made the 1st division commander feel his stomach twist in nausea.

Bloodied screams that were shouted as bodies were sliced down was deafening; people were scrambling to escape the battlefield that was crawling with monsters that continued to overflow from the portals.

"What the actual fuck?! Get away from me!!!" Buggy screamed bloody murder as his body split in two, barely dodging a marine that was tossed his way. His eyes widened in horror as a monster caught the said marine before he crashed to the floor, the man getting swallowed alive while screaming by a Grimsoul.

As marines shoot and slice at the Grimsouls, they quickly realize that their attacks do no damage, the weapons slicing right through them. It was almost like attacking a logia user, the area they slice smoking for a split second before returning to normal.

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