Chapter: XLIII Nasty Guy

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Searching for Brothers: Chapter 43

Searching for Brothers: Chapter 43

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A small part of Clementine wanted to facepalm herself, wondering when she even gained a sister-in-law. But she knew better than to question anything unusual when it came to be about her brother. Instead, she decided that she will just have to accept whatever was happening right now and question it later. And seeing as the female Shichibukai seemed to know Luffy and had saved him. And maybe when she finds time then, she can interrogate both Luffy and the young woman until she gets the answer she wants.

"I-It is a pleasure to meet you, s-sister-in-law!" Hancock nervously stuttered, her eyes widened as she took in the blonde woman. The dark-haired female felt her heart racing against her ribcages, feeling quite small, although she towered over Clementine in height.

In response, Clementine felt her eyes twitch, the female silently trying to figure out how she felt about getting addressed like that. After a moment, she decided she didn't like it.

However, she decided to not comment on it and released a sigh and just nodded. her response makes Hancock gasp, clutching onto her chest, her cheeks turning a rose color.

'I have been approved!!'

While touched, Hancock quickly recovered, her gaze shifting to Luffy, who stood a few feet away now that he was back on his feet. The dark-haired woman felt her face softened as she discreetly pulled out a key, quickly slipping it into Luffy's hand.

Clementine watched the action with her eyes wide, her lips parting in disbelief. At the same time, her heart soared with hope, her gaze shifting to the platform where Ace is kneeled, already understanding the identity of the key. However, her excitement didn't last long as she kicks away a marine that runs her way, her attention quickly going back to the ongoing battle.

Luffy has a similar reaction as his sister, his arms and legs stretching as they wrapped around Hancock as the raven-haired boy laughed with glee.

"Hancock! You're amazing! Thanks a bunch! I owe you!!!" Luffy screamed, clueless to the woman who was overheating, her pale complexion turning a bright pink.

"I-I I-It's fine! You got to-got to move quickly, Luffy....!" Hancock stammered, barely holding herself together as Luffy wrapped around her in a hug.

At Hancock's words, Luffy reacts, quickly letting the warlord go, his limbs snapping into place. "You're right! I gotta go save Ace!" Luffy exclaimed, finding the sight of Clementine, who was keeping a few marines away for him during his conversation. Instinctively, his arms stretched out, wrapping around his older sister before he took off.

The said woman didn't even have time to react, releasing a quiet shriek as she was flung into the air by Luffy, the boy carrying her off as he kicked his way through marines. However, while airborne, she watched as Hancock fell to her knees, clutching her chest while the marines yelled in shock of seeing a Warlord fall.

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