Chapter XXIV: Resuming Training With Red-Haired

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Searching for Brothers: Chapter 24

Word Count: 2.4 k

Third Person P

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Third Person P.O.V.

'If I was a pirate, where would I be?' The blonde female thinks to herself as she walks through the bustling city, pushing through the crowds and ignoring the calls made out to her by shop owners to come to take a look at what they sold.

Clementine held back a snort, mentally slapping herself at the stupid question she asked herself. The answer was quite obvious, especially if she was talking about Shanks' crew that was well known for their love of parties and drinking.

After asking a few locals about the locations of a bar known to be a gathering place for pirates, Clementine decides to head over while sightseeing.

The architectures around her are rather colorful, and Clementine has to stop a handful of times to ask direction because how the canals made everything maze-like. It's an interesting city that Clementine finds quite fascinating after she listens to one of the locals who casually begins to speak with her.

It's apparently a sinking city, and the citizens constantly had to build new houses in higher grounds to survive each year. But that didn't stop it from thriving, especially with the Sea Train made over twenty-something years ago.

"Oh, but I wouldn't stay here for long, lassie. In the next five months or so, the yearly Aqua Laguna will hit and that ain't fun."

With a wave of thanks to the older gentlemen who was fishing at one of the canals, Clementine resumed her trek to her destination, Blueno's Bar.

The female released a sigh, her shoulders slumping as she stood in front of the bar, already being able to hear the loud cheers from outside. It was so loud, no one seemed to notice her as she slips into the building.

"Come on, Captain! You ain't backing down from a drinking match?!"

"I bet Roo's gonna win this time!"

Most of the crew seemed to be in the large circle, cheering on the two males who playfully glared at each other, throwing out bet money.

Clementine's eyes narrowed as she walked closer to the circle, some of the men finally noticing her presence. However, they didn't greet her with a smile like they usually would, their face paling as they saw the young woman's blank expression. They opened a path, slowly moving away from her as if she was Moses and they were the ocean parting for her.

Benn, who was smoking at the counter raised an eyebrow at her appearance, the corner of his lip tilting up. He shifted his body to have a better view, decided it'll be interesting to watch what the blonde was going to do.

The two male's who were the primary attention of the crew was still clueless to the female's presence, their back faced to her.

"Alright, Captain!" Lucky Roo grinned, his usual rack of meat on one of the plates on the table for now, "alright! On the count of, one, two, thre—"

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