Chapter XXXVII: Truly Powerless

8.7K 436 44

Searching for Brother: 37

Word count: 2.1 K


It was chaos in Sabaody Archipelago. Loud explosions went off from various different groves, the screams of pirates, marines, and citizen echoing. The large mangrove trees shook as battles took place, blood painting the grassy floor as the marines and the rookie pirates fought while those who lived in the area ran for their lives.

And in midst of this chaos, our heroine was somehow entangled into this mess she wishes she wasn't.

The blonde female panted as she held her battered umbrella in front of her, her eyes narrowed in irritation as she faced her opponent who didn't look like he was in too much of a good shape either. The metallic taste of blood made her face scrunch up in disgust, spitting out a large blob to the side, much to her dismay.

"You pesky little brat....." Sentomaru growled, his eyes darting to the clearing a few feet away to see what was happening with the arrival of a notorious pirate from the older generation. But his eyes quickly moved back to the teen.

Clementine didn't miss a beat, quickly seeing his distraction and attacking, her haki coated weapon clashing with Sentomaru's enormous battle-ax.

"Luffy! Go!" Clementine screamed, now seeing hope as Rayleigh joined in the fight, taking on Kizaru. The young girl gritted her teeth as she used all her strength to throw her opponent off-balance, Sentomaru stumbling back in surprise.

Hearing his sister's voice, the boy with the straw hat seemed to snap out of his daze as he looked at his crew that was scattered around.

"Usopp, Brook!!! Grab Zoro and run!!! Everyone!! Think only of getting away!!! Right now, we can't beat these guys!" Luffy's voice was filled with fear that was unusual to the boy. And hearing their captain's command and tone, none of the Strawhat Pirates argued as they took off.

Clementine winced, sprained ankle screaming out in protest as she stepped in front of the man with the bright red bib as he tried to get closer to her little brother's crew. She, however, didn't waver her icy blue eyes from Sentomaru, determined to not let him by.

"You really are an annoyance!" Sentomaru spat out as he swung his ax, growing even more frustrated as each of his attacks got dodged by Clementine, the female dancing around his weapon without a struggle although she was injured.

Clementine only responded with a grunt, ducking underneath the battle-ax before using her good feet to kick the weapon out of Sentomaru's hand. However, she couldn't help but let out a small shriek, feeling her whole leg vibrate at the impact, the feeling slowly moving up her hip until it reached the top of her head, goosebumps littering her skin.

Without his weapon now, Sentomaru attacked with his hand, almost hitting Clementine as she jumped around, trying to recover feeling to her whole body as she whispered curses under her breath.

But both fighters stopped as they hear a loud wail, each of them stopping in mid-attack as their head snapped to where the sound came from.

Clementine's mouth fell open in awe as a large beast emerged from nowhere, releasing an ear thundering roar as it swung his fist around. It took another second for the blonde to see the resemblance the beast had with her little brother's cute reindeer doctor. And another second through the chaos to realize that the beast was indeed Luffy's cute little doctor.

But the female wasn't distracted for long, his eyes widening a fraction as she sees PX-1 approach her brother's fallen crewmates.

Just as she turns to face Sentomaru again, the man gets thrown back by a white-furred beast, Roki sinking his sharp teeth to the back of his neck and flinging him back with a growl.

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