Chapter LXX: Mission

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Chapter 70:

Word Count: 2.4 k


A loud yawn escaped the guard's mouth, the man smacking his lips as he moved his heavy gaze over the pathway in front of the gate entrance he guarded. Next to him is a younger guard in a similar state as he was, desperately trying to keep his heavy lids open.

"Looks like you men need something to drink."

Both guards jump in fright where they stand, whirling around in surprise to where they hear a voice. The drowsiness they felt a moment ago dissipated as they grabbed the sword's hilt on their waist.

A familiar young merchant with dark-brown hair stood just a few feet away from them at the entrance of the gate. The merchant's eyes widened in alarm briefly as they raised both hands in innocence. However, the alarm soon turned to amusement, twinkling in their blue gaze.

Seeing who it was, the older guard released a large breath, his fingers moving away from the hilt of his sword. "Lad, you gave me a scare! Thought you were my enemy out for my neck or boss!" The older guard complains, relaxing his shoulders before curiously eyeing the giant backpack that seemed to be the same size as when the brunet passed under the gates earlier in the morning. "Were you able to trade as you hoped?"

The young merchant grinned, the corner of his lips tugging up crookedly as he gave the guard a thumbs up, "sure thing I did. Those guys loved what I brought. I was able to make a fair enough trade. A little thanks for the information and for letting me slip through the gates."

The guard's eyes lit up with glee as he caught a bottle of rum thrown at him. After hiding the bottle in his uniform, the guard made a quick shooing motion with his hand, ushering the young man out of the gate. To which the brunet responded with a mocking salute before disappearing down the path.

"What was that about?" The younger guard questioned in curiosity as he eyed where the alcohol bottle was hidden.

The guard quickly looked around, making sure that no one was around before speaking to the newly hired guard in a hushed tone. "Sometimes there are merchants like that lad that want to sneak into the Sanctuary for business."

"But we can't let them in," the younger guard argues with his eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he recalled the rules he learned when first getting hired to this post.

In response, the older guard snorts, rolling his eyes. "We don't get paid enough for what we do, getting stuck here the whole damn day. After working here for a little bit, you'll learn the ins and outs of surviving in this city, kid," as he spoke, he used his finger to open up the pocket of his uniform, a few shining jewels being revealed to both of their eyes.

The younger guard had an unconvinced look on his face, his eyes moving back to the path he watched the young merchant disappear into with a frown.

Little did either of the guards know that as soon as the merchant moved down the path, far out of the guard's sight, they had slipped through the trees into the thick forest.

With a smirk gracing their lips, the merchant shook their head, tugging lightly on the dark strands of hair, revealing golden hair hidden underneath it. Cerulean blue gleamed with purpose, briefly looking back at the tall gates.

Clementine released a light scoff, running her hand through her short strands of blonde hair before moving deeper into the forest, her plans for her next step forming in her head. She was going to make this mission of hers succeed.

What she had to do now was to return to the Polar Tang, where she was sure the grumpy captain was starting to wonder where she had disappeared to.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2022 ⏰

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