Chapter XXVI: Demons in My Nightmare

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Searching for Brothers: 26

Word count: 1.7 k

A/N: TWO UPDATES IN ONE DAY? Wow!!! I'm on a roll!!!


"Um, they're kinda scary looking...."

I hold in the eye roll at the first words Shanks spoke as he stared at my creation in front of the two of us with his eyes wide.

"That's kinda the point Shanks," I sigh as the dark beast growled, but stayed obediently down. But I couldn't deny that it indeed was a scary looking thing. The creature I created didn't have a solid body, it's form seeming to drip with black goo, as it stood on two legs like a human. However, it apparently lacked many human features, the only things on what I assume is its face was its red beady eyes. Where the hands should be were replaced by sharp-looking claws that I was sure could easily slice flesh.

Shanks' eyes shifted to me as he uneasily took a step towards me

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Shanks' eyes shifted to me as he uneasily took a step towards me. However, at that moment, the beast in front of us let an angry shriek making both Shanks, and I flinch.

"I guess it has a mind of its own, but I don't think it'll attack you seeing as you're it's creator," Shanks slowly comments, his eyes not moving away from the creature in front of us. It is evident that he was on guard. While I may be safe from this dangerous creature, that didn't mean Shanks was.

I stiffly nod, swallowing thickly as I began to regret my decision of creating this dimension. To be very honest, I wasn't thinking much when I first built it after reading an article about Tieran D. Cooper for ideas. I had just read about him creating a dimension that housed all of his soldiers he used for his attacks and learned how monstrous they looked.

And here I was now that I created a dimension without thinking much about it. Only imagining creatures that could haunt even the strongest man into his dream and look at where I ended up.

I swallowed, my eyes shifting to the ground of the dimension we were in. This was a new dimension I created, with endless dark, reddish skies and dead trees surrounding us. I had asked Shanks to join me to explore it, and that's when we had stumbled upon this creature that seemed to watch us.

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