Chapter XXII: Sister for a Reason

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Searching for Brother: 22

Word count: 2.7 k

Clementine P.O.V.

One similarity all my siblings and I had was our stubbornness. And honestly, I couldn't say who was the most stubborn out of the four of us even without Sabo being here with us today.


"I can't stay."

"No! I said no!"

"Luffy, I can't stay. I need to go meet someone in two weeks and if I don't, they'll literally have my neck served on a silver platter," I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose for a second, feeling a headache beginning to come from the back of my head.

Luffy only huffs in response, his arms crossed over his chest as he glared at me, his face continuing to have his well known stubborn look that makes me roll my eyes.

Okay, maybe Luffy really is the most stubborn one.

"Luffy, if I don't leave I might start a damn war between two Yonkos," I grumble, placing one of my hand on my hip to make my point.

A loud shatter of glass made me whip my head to the side, seeing Nami, who had dropped the glass she had in her hand. The orange-haired woman stared at me with her eyes wide, her mouth

Sanji and Chopper were immediately beside the female, the later worriedly checking her if she hurt herself with the broken glass.

"A war?!"

I couldn't help the wince that left my lips at her shriek, my ears ringing at the piercing sound. "Well, I said I have to meet up with Shanks right? Whitebeard and Shanks have an agreement that I'll stay with the Whitebeard pirates for a year to train a bit with Ace before I return back to Shank's ship to finish my training," I began, picking up my glass of tea, the precipitation on the surface making my hands wet.

"Her year is coming to an end in the next two weeks," Ace adds, stuffing his face with food that Sanji had kindly prepared for all of us. "If she's not with him, the promise is broken and it threatens the treaty between the two crews."

I nod, confirming my older brother's words as I sip my beverage from the straw, the cold liquid running down my throat.

"It could be extremely destructive if those two fought and I believe no one would like to see that," I admit, shuddering at the thought. We didn't need useless fighting, especially between two crews I've truly come to care about.

"But why? No offense to you but why would Red-Haired Shanks attack Whitebeard over something that trivial?" The green-haired man who hadn't spoken for a while questioned, opening one eye from where he napped.

His eyes were sharp and it made the corner of my lips tug up at the suspicion in them. He was a good first mate for Luffy, I could tell that by just looking at him. He'll help Luffy grow, that's for sure.

"None taken. Shanks has become..." I paused, trying to find the right words to describe the older red-haired man. He was many things for me at this point. Every single person on his crew has, to be very honest.

"He's my mentor, friend, and guardian, I guess," I slowly begin, my eyebrows furrowing as I tried to put my thought and emotions to words. "Luffy, you know this, but I never really had a father figure in my life. I left home after Sabo's death and although your Grandpa came from time to time to visit us, no one could fit into that figure. Until Shanks, I think? He's taught me a lot during my stay with him and he'll continue to as well. And I believe he also feels the same about me," I laugh, my cheeks feeling slightly warm, "he's been calling me his daughter recently and I've come to like that a lot."

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