Chapter LVIII: Alliance

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Chapter 58

Word Count: 2.5 K


Law had seen countless cases in the last few years traveling at sea with his crew. While most of them were minor injuries within the crew, he had also seen countless deaths since he was young, his parents included. Not many things fazed him anymore. Or that was what he liked to think.

But something was telling him that the patient that Outlook D. Clementine wanted him to examine was going to be nothing like he has seen in the past. And that itself intrigued him. But his fascination seemed to jump as the woman opened a portal in his room, motioning him to follow her.

He wasn't sure what he was expecting to see as he stepped into the portal. But he was sure it wasn't an endless field of colorful flowers and a gentle breeze that carried the sweet scent of nectars.

"Welcome to my Paradise," Clementine spoke, as she crouched down, picking a handful of flowers, her fingers gently traced over the soft pink petal of the Canterbury Bells

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"Welcome to my Paradise," Clementine spoke, as she crouched down, picking a handful of flowers, her fingers gently traced over the soft pink petal of the Canterbury Bells. She brings it to her nose for a brief moment before snapping a few more stems of flowers around her, creating a bouquet of colorful wildflowers.

Law looks around with his eyes narrowed before turning to the female who began to walk down the hill, "where is this?"

Clementine stops on top of the hill, kicking off her shoes as she walks through the shallow waters of a stream, the cold water licking at her toes. "It's one of my worlds I created with my devil's fruit power. I haven't exactly named it but I just call it my Paradise. It's pretty isn't it?" The blonde questioned as motioned the man to come closer. Law scowled lightly as he followed after her, catching up to her.

"Noble-ya, I believe there is a patient waiting for me," Law frowned, becoming slightly impatient as the female leisurely continued to pick flowers to add to her collection.

The teenager turned to the man with a roll of her eyes as she raised her hand, "we're almost there, Trafalgar. Can't you see the hut there?" Clementine questioned as she pointed from the hill she stood.

Law's steel grey eyes followed where she pointed, finding the small hut with a watermill. He turns to look back at the female beside him, but she's no longer there, already walking down the hill.

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