Chapter XVIII: Concerned Sister

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Searching for Brothers: 18

Word count: 2.2 k

Third Person P.O.V.

With the sun up high in the sky and gentle warm breeze making the palm trees sway, it would have seemed like it was a calm day where Shank's crew quietly rested, trying to sleep away their hangover.

However, instead of the sound of waves lapping against the beach, loud cheers echoed through the small island. The high pitch cling of coins getting thrown into the pile as the men yell their bet was loud, each of the pirates excitedly cheering on the fight.

"Holy—" Clementine doesn't even get to finish her curse as the hilt of the blade slams against her stomach, making her body fly back.

She literally feels like she wants to throw back up the breakfast she had that morning, the air got knocked out her chest at the blow. Through the pain, she wondered if she would have died if she hadn't coated her stomach with a bit of Haki, suddenly feeling terrified as she realized she certainly would have.

A small gasp escaped her lips as her back crashed into something, stopping her from rolling even further.

"Oi, Hawk-Eye! You trying to kill her?!" Shanks yells in bewilderment, holding onto Clementine's shoulder to steady the blonde female who looked dazed.

At that moment, the female realized Shanks was what she crashed into, the man holding her gently in his arms as if he was cradling a baby.

The said man with the golden eyes seemed nonchalant, flipping the dagger he had in his hand, watching as the blade glimmered under the sunlight.

"Red hair, you were the one to tell me to sprawl with her," Mihawk grumbled as he put away his small blade, his sharp gaze landing on Clementine who was shakily getting up, refusing the red-haired man's help.

The dark haired male raised a surprised eyebrow up, not expecting the young girl to be able to stand on her own feet after his attack.

Mihawk admits, he had felt slightly irritated, the hangover he was going through causing his head to throb, and he quite childishly took it out on the female. He had in no way gone easy with the last blow. He was confident that even most men would have had the air knocked out of their chest and not be able to move for a few minutes.

"That," Clementine coughed as she rubbed her stomach, wincing as she wished to ease the pain, "was quite remarkable.... I didn't even see the attack until I felt the pain," she grumbled, knowing that she was definitely going to find bruises tomorrow morning.

Just experiencing Mihawk's attack allowed Clementine to know how powerful the man who was considered to be the number one swordsman in the world was. It almost pained her as much as her injury to understand how big of a difference there was between her own strength and the man.

She was still so much weaker.

The corner of Mihawk's lips twitched upwards as he watched as the blonde's sharp blue eyes narrowed in determination as she twirled her umbrella, preparing to attack.

He did have to give her determination some credit. He had underestimated the girl. She may have not been too powerful now, but he was sure she will become an opponent worth his while in the future if she continued to train. Especially if she was being supported by Shanks, who was a Yonko. However, that was not the case for now, and Mihawk was still not interested in her. 

Clementine's face fell as Mihawk sheathed his small blade, putting it away in his coat. The said man gave one last look at the female before he turned around.

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