Chapter XIV: Troublesome Siblings

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Clementine had a small smile on her face as she watched her three brothers stuff their faces with food. Just looking at them made her feel full, which was the reason why she only had a cup of juice in her hand.

"It's going to be hard to get food like this on our voyage. When I go to sea, the first thing I'm going to do is add the greatest cook in the world to my crew!" Sabo commented as he chewed, his eyes narrowed to crescent moons because of how pleased he was about the taste of what he was consuming.

Ace chuckled, grinning broadly as he held a piece of meat in hand. "I'm gonna become a pirate first, so that'll be impossible!" He teased, nudging the blond male. In return, Ace received a scowled.

"What! That's not fair! I'm going to become a pirate before either of you!" Luffy yelled, pointing his thumb at himself while he laughed. The three boys immediately began to bicker like always, arguing playfully.

Clementine took a sip out of her drink in amusement. However, she held herself back from choking as her eyes widened as she swallowed her juice she had in her mouth before her lips parted, gapping at the large man who stood behind her three brothers. She eyes him curiously, wondering when he had appeared. He was large and muscular, his hair along with his mustache gray with age.

Dadan and the rest of the mountain bandits also seemed to notice the man standing behind the three boys, the sake they had in their mouth spurting out like a water fountain.

As the unknown man wearing a Hawaiian shirt coughed, both Ace and Luffy's face paled, their skin changing to blue as they froze. Slowly, the two turned around, their eyes widening in horror.

"You two are still going on about that, aye?" The man growled, his eyes glinting dangerously.

Now it was Luffy and Ace who were spurting out whatever they had in their mouths, their eyes popping out in terror.

Clementine nervously eyed the unknown man as he clenched his fist, yelling at the top of his lungs. "How many times do I have to tell the two of you?! You're gonna become marines! Why is that so hard to understand?!"

Her mouth fell open, blood draining out of her face as the man's fist made contact with both Ace and Luffy's head, a swollen pink bump immediately appearing as they fell to the ground twitching.


The orange-haired woman beside Clementine flinched as her name was called, immediately rushing to the man in fear. "Yes, Garp-San?"

A gasp left Clementine's lips as the man's fist made contact with Dadan's head, she too falls to the ground beside the two younger boys.

"W-Why'd you hit me too?!" Dadan stuttered in pain, her soul almost drifting out of her mouth.

The man grunted in response, his hand that was curled up into a ball still raised. "Because I'm not happy with the way you're raising these kids!"

Sabo, who was watching everything in fear, crawled back, nervous sweat pouring down his face. "T-That's Garp? This old guy is Ace and Luffy's shit grandfather they've told us about?!"

Clementine winced, wanting to smack her older brother behind his head for using disrespectful words. However, she decided to keep her mouth closed as Garp's gleaming eye landed on her brother next.

"Kid. You were talking about going out to sea too, right?"

Luffy seemed to have recovered, standing back to his feet as he stood in front of Sabo, blocking his grandfather's sight of the blond boy. "It's not 'kid,' gramps! His name is Sabo! We four shared a toast of brother and sisterhood and promised to become Pirates!"

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