Chapter XVII: Younger Brother Unleashed

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Searching For Brothers: Chapter 17

A/N: Anyone else like the new book cover? Cause I worked my ass off making it, lmao

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Word count: 2 k

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Yasopp looked as miserable as his captain; his eyes narrowed into a glare that he aimed at the floor. However, he beamed as you passed him his share of food, the man with dreadlocks immediately digging in.

"Ah, Clementine will be a good wife one day," he commented with a burp as he finished the bowl, sending his captain a sly look.

"W-Wife?!" Shanks yelled, immediately wincing as his own voice made his head pound painfully. He sends his sharpshooter a glare, "She's too young for marriage!"

As the two men began to bicker, the others sweatdropped at their captain's protectiveness over the blonde female who was cleaning.

'What is he, a parent?' They thought in disbelief, some of them shaking their heads.

Clementine, on the other hand, paused at what she was doing, her eyes narrowing as she lifted her head. Her eyes shifted to Roki who was no longer sleeping, the large beast sitting up as his sharp blue feline eyes moved to the trees where it leads to the beach.

Clementine's own ears picked up panicked yells, her eyes moving to where her partner was staring at.

Someone was here...


"C....! C...! C-CAPTAAAAIN!!!"

Clementine watched in curiosity as one of the lower-ranking crew members ran through the trees, his frantic eyes searching for Shanks as he screamed. The man literally tumbled, crawling halfway until he stops in front of the shade where Shanks and the rest of the higher-ranking members rested.

Clementine sighed as she placed a cup of water in front of the panting man, watching as he looked at it appreciatively before downing it in one swing.

The man calmed down for a second. However, he grew frantic seeming to realize why he was panicking a mere second ago.

"H-Hawk-Eye!!" The man stuttered as he pointed to the direction he came from. However, he froze, slowly turning around to face the man who stood behind him. Released a high-pitched squeal, the man crawled away in fear, allowing Clementine to get a good look at the newcomer in interest.

Her icy blue eyes first moved to his bare chest, eyeing the cross necklace that laid on his sternum. Then they shifted to the large blade the man seemed to carry behind his back. And finally to his sharp eyes that were an eye-catching golden yellow color, which explained his name.

"Ah, hey there, Hawk-Eye. What a rare guest I've got today..." Shanks spoke, obviously knowing this man. Clementine's eyes shifted to Benn in question, the man only raising an eyebrow at her look of confusion. "I'm not in such a good mood right now but have you come to fight me...?"

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