Chapter XXIX: Auction House

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Searching for Brother: 29

Word count: 2 k


The Human Auction House was already full, the seat getting filled with buyers as well as watchers, the area bustling with conversations.

In front row sat the Tenryūbito, also known as the Celestial Dragons with their space suit like clothes, the bubbles protecting them from the outside air. With the large number of guard protecting them, you would think pirates would be too nervous to be in the same room as them.


That's not the case.

Eyeing the Celestial Dragons from the back of the room is a red haired man with goggles on his forehead. "Compared with the purity of the greedy nobles, the villains of the world looks pretty damn humane," Captain Kidd from the South Blue commented with a sadistic grin. "They don't even understand that the world is in the state it is because scum like them control it. We've got our bad side, but we've got our cute side too, right, Killer?"

Responding to him is his first mate, Killer, the man nodding as he adjust the blue and white striped mask he wears. "No mistakes..."

Kidd snickers as he finds his crew some seats in the back, a sickening smirk spreading on his face. "If someone interesting comes up, let's buy 'em," the red-haired pirate comments as he sits down. However, his smile drops for a split second as he sees who's sitting a few rows down from where he is.

"Boss Kidd, that's...."

"There's a familiar face...." Kidd spats, his eyes narrowing on a tall man whom lazily sits with his crew, his legs comfortably crossed. "North Blue's 200 million bounty, Trafalgar Law.... I've heard pretty bad rumors about him."

The said man slowly turns around, a smirk dancing on his face as his eyes meet the rivalling pirate crew. He adjusts his furry white spotted hat on top of his head before slowly lifting his hand up, flipping his middle finger up to Kidd who popped a vein on his forehead.

The tattoo man snickered, drawing his eyes away from the fuming red-head as he looked back at the stage.

"Captain, I don't like the smell of here," Bepo, Law's first mate, a polar bear from the Mink Tribe pitifully commented as he rubbed his nose, sneezing cutely. Though he's quick to apologize when he sprays his crew mates who sat by him.

Law eyes his first mate for a moment before leaning back in his seat, "it's the perfume all the nobles are dousing themselves in. You'll eventually get used to it. I'm not planning on leaving just yet, I have a feeling we're going to see something interesting today," the raven-haired man comments as he cracked his inked knuckles.

"Oh, are you planning on buying?" Penguin, one of mechanics who ironically wears a hat that had 'PENGUIN' written on it questions, leaning forward on his seat as he sends a curious look to his captain.

Law hums, his eyes calculating as he brushes his fingers against his goatee. He doesn't say anything for a second, however, he smirks, a shiver running down his crew's back as they catch sight  of their captain's wicked look, "if someone or something catches my eyes. Perhaps I can buy someone for my next dissection experiment."




Clementine doesn't remember the last time she was scrubbed that cleaned in her life. Her skin was red and raw because of how harshly the slave woman scrubbed her down with the sponge, the scent of floral soap attacking the blonde's nostrils.

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