CHAPTER IV: Big Brother Sent Off

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I angrily looked at the two boys that sat in front of me. One was injury free while the other was covered with bandage head to toe.

"You idiots!!!" I screamed uncharacteristically. With all of my strength, I punched both Ace and Luffy on the head making a swollen pink bump immediately appear. I seethed angrily, my usual cool demeanor not present.

"ITEEEE!!!!!" Both of them screamed as they grabbed their swollen head. I glared at both of them as they whimpered clutching their injury.

"Why does it hurt more than Grandpa's fist of love?! I'm rubber?!" Luffy cried as he held his injured head as he rolled around the ground in pain.

Ace, on the other hand, laid on the ground in a fetal position holding his head in shock, groans of pain leaving his mouth.

"What the hell, Clemie?" He groaned, tears appearing at the corner of his eyes.

I took a deep breath calming down my anger.

"What the hell? The real fucking question is, who the fucking hell do you think you two are?" I questioned in a threatening tone, my voice coming out icy cold.

Both boys immediately shut up and stared at me with big round eyes of disbelief.

"A-Ace! Clemie cussed!" Luffy wailed in fright, jumping onto Ace in terror, his legs and arms stretching around the older boy like a rope.

Ace slammed a fist at Luffy's head and hissed, "idiot! I'm not deaf, I heard it as well!" Ace stated in panic, trying to move away from me.

A vein popped on my forehead as I gripped my fist in front of my face, lightly shaking it.

"I just asked who the fucking hell do you think you two are!" I snapped once again as I angrily stomp my foot, inches away from both of their heads.

My brothers paled as they shrunk in fright. However, their reaction didn't stop me from my rant.

"You are Portagus D. Ace!" I yell as I point my finger at the boy with the freckled face, "and you are Monkey D. Luffy!" I growled. I released a breath, the anger suddenly disintegrating as I rubbed my face tiredly, "aren't we siblings? Sabo and the three of us exchanged sake together, and you brothers are fighting over a stupid thing, stop it," I demanded as I looked at the boys with a stern look.

Ace and Luffy shook as they sat in front of me. Not hearing a reply I growled. "Well? Do you two understand? Speak up! Or I don't know!"

"H-Hai!!!" They chorused in fright as they grasped each other in a hug.

I smiled, pleased. My angry expression immediately disappeared as my usual calm character came back.

"Good, now Luffy rest, you need to heal."

With that, I calmly walked out of the house closing the door. But not before hearing both of the boys.





"AGHHHHAHHHH!!!!!" The two teens yelled as they charged at each other.

The pale, blonde hair girl easily dodged the freckled boy's punches. Her long wavy blonde hair flew around her as she flipped over the older boys shoulder. Her foot touched the ground lightly as she placed her hands on her hips.

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