CHAPTER VI: First Bounty

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Word count: 2 k


I comfortably laid against Roki's stomach munching on an apple in hand while staring at the vast sea.

It's been three days since I left the small island I grew up on as a child. It wasn't unusual to find the grinning face of Luffy popping into my mind. Sometimes the slightly older and mature face of Ace popped my mind as well.

As I endlessly thought of the two of them, a loud squawk of a bird from above made me snap my head up. On the mast of my beloved ship sat a white and gray delivery bird.

Quickly making a coin pop into my hand with my Devils fruit, I tossed it at the bird that expertly caught it.

Seconds later the bird dropped the newspaper in my hand before flying off.

Quickly opening the paper, I scanned the information written on it, searching for anything interesting.

My mouth dropped open when I saw a picture of a familiar male. He was fighting back to back with an enormous man with a white coat, a grin spread across his face.

Quickly I read the news in shock as well as confusion.

"Fire First Ace and crew join the Whitebeard pirates...." I mumbled out loud in awe. Roki purred loudly, making me snap out of my daze.

I looked back at the picture, doubting the news for a moment. I knew Ace wasn't a person to honestly follow someone...

But looking at the picture, instead of doubting the news, I began to doubt myself.

Ace looked happy in the picture. He was childishly grinning as he fought against a marine. I soon realized who the enormous man who was fighting along Ace was as I connected the dots. Captain of the Whitebeard pirates, Edward Newgates...

I smirked inwardly as I folded the newspaper and placed it on the ground. Ace seems like he found a good family.

Now... It'll be easier for me to find him...

I quietly just sat there for a minute before a chill ran down my back. I sat up, looking around in alarm.

Immediately jumping to my feet, I ran up to the side of the boat. My eyes widened slightly as I saw a much larger ship coming towards my boat.

Roki came next to me and growled lowly as he also eyed the ship, his lips curled over his teeth, showing off his pink gums.

My icy blue eyes narrowed as I eyed the black jolly roger.

Pirates. However, I've never seen the mark so they couldn't be that known.

I smiled and quickly grabbed my blue umbrella Makino gave me. Yesterday I made some adjustment that'll help me in battle... Now let's see how well it work.

Minutes later the pirate ship sailed next to my boat, the rowdy crew yelling at each other.

"It's a girl!"

"Captures her!"

"It's a girl, captain!!!"

I rolled my eyes at their comment as I opened up my umbrella and held it over my head.

My blue eyes quickly noticed one man who was yelling out orders as he grinned wickedly at me. My nose scrunched in disgust seeing his greasy hair and his food covered beard.

That must be the captain.


All the Pirates aboard the ship greedily eyed the beautiful blonde female that proudly stood on her small boat.

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