Chapter XIX: Anger In the Desert

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Searching For Brothers: Chapter 19

Word count: 2.7 k

Third Person P.O.V.

"Is there anything else I can get for you, miss? Water, juice, perhaps something to eat for a bit? It's on the house!"

The blonde slowly placed her teacup down, smiling at the store owner who swooned at her looks. "Thank you, that's very kind of you. But this tea is good enough," Clementine nodded at her steaming hot cup of tea, sighing in bless at the sweet aroma.

When she had firsts entered the small shop, the owner gave her a look of ridicule when she had asked if he served hot tea. Apparently, no sane person in the area would order something warm when the temperatures were so devastatingly hot.

When Clementine had asked if he would serve her tea that was usually served cold hot, the owner reluctantly did bring her a steaming cup.

When she was seated, she finally took off the silk veil that covered her whole face except her eyes, allowing herself to breathe the fresh air that wasn't warmed by her body. At that moment it seemed like the store owner's eyes turned to hearts, his jaw falling to the floor as he got a full look at her.

Clementine obviously noticed his gaze, deciding to ignore it as she enjoyed her cup of tea, something she was missing for a very long time. It was her favorite drink. However, Shanks' crew naturally only kept cheap brews because they were only interested in beverages that were alcohol, claiming that teas tasted like bland grass, much to her horror. From regular earl to black, she loved all types of teas from a very young age.

When she was younger, her brothers obviously knew her obsession, often times buying tea packets for her for presents on special occasions. (Or stealing).

Although Alabasta's weather was scorching hot, Clementine was determined to have a steaming cup of tea. To accommodate for the heat, she had replaced her usual thick dress with some clothing she bought from a local store. Clementine would admit, although her current clothes showed much more skin than what she was used to, a flimsy sky blue, off the shoulder bikini top and loose pants that stayed on her lower waist. However, she kept her cloak around her, keeping prying eyes away from her.

Bring the frail cup back to her lips she sipped on her tea, the taste and aroma stimulate her senses, a pleased hum escaping her lips.

"Sir, this is delicious, what kind of tea is this?" She questioned, her voice sounding like light chimes as she finished her cup, gently placing it down.

The worker immediately ran over, rubbing his hand as he lowered his head. "It's one of Alabasta's native flower teas. The flowers are from a cactus plant that only blooms at night and some dried desert fruit."

Clementine nodded her head thoughtfully as she dug her hand into her cloak, pulling out a small bag of beli, placing it on the table. "Will this be enough to buy the rest you have in stock?"

The blonde watched as the worker's mouth dropped open as he opened the bag of beli with trembling hands.


Clementine walked out of the store with a light skip to her feet, a cup of ice tea in her hand. In the bag over her shoulder was the tea blend she purchased, something that'll definitely last her a while.

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