Chapter LIV: A Gesture of Kindness

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Chapter: 54

Word Count: 3.2 K

A/N: a bit longer than usual, I didn't know where to cut it off... I'm gloomy because if covid didn't happen, I would have been at the BTS concert this weekend. (Both days plus next week on Wednesday 😢) plus my sleeping schedule is fucked up again


Clementine watched with amusement as the village children crawled over Roki, the massive feline seeming to be slightly annoyed, his icy eyes moving to her as if he was asking for help. In response, Clementine only can send her partner a wink resulting in Roki releasing something similar to the sigh, seeming to give up on trying.

The blonde woman chuckled to herself, knowing Roki wouldn't hurt them no matter, the cat was a big softy no matter how scary he could look with his massive body and teeth.

The female sucked in a quick breath, almost shooting up to rush over when Acel, who seemed to be the leader of the kids, tumbled off from Roki's back. But the blond boy is quickly back on his feet, giggling as he climbs right back up with the other children.

Clementine almost feels silly for getting attached to the blond child so quickly, her gaze looking down at the young girl who used her lap to take a nap. Mirabelle was fast asleep, a small smile on her face as she cuddled into Clementine's lap.

"They've become attached to you."

Clementine nearly flinched. Her head snapped to look at the mayor, who stood next to her with his arms behind his back. The old man looked better than yesterday, getting proper medical care from the ship doctor. It significantly helping him seeing as he had color back in his cheeks.

Clementine felt slightly uncomfortable under the gaze of the old man. And it seemed like he could tell, a gentle. assuring smile showing on his lips, relaxing her.

"Those two are orphans," the mayor began as his gaze moved to Acel, who released a battle cry as he leaped off of Roki's back. "Their older brother had been taking care of them since their mother passed away after Mirabelle was born. Their father was a pirate, but right before Mirabelle's birth, he suddenly stopped coming back, although he used to come to check up on them every six months. We think he passed on while being out at sea. Their older brother worked hard to support them, I'm not surprised he laid out his life to protect them."

Clementine didn't miss the sad look in the old man's eyes as Acel play fought with a fellow boy before his gaze went to Mirabelle as Clementine gently patted the young girl's curly blonde head.

"Neither of them really got to experience the love of their mother. Acel was too young to remember her, and Mirabelle was only a few days old."

Clementine felt her heart going out to the two children, especially since their brother, who raised them, had passed. Yesterday night, Shanks and some of the crew had returned to the village, collecting any of the bodies they could, giving them a proper burial at the corner of the forest. The red-haired man had said one of them was Acel and Mirabelle's brother, recognizing the similar blond hair the corpse had.

Perhaps the mayor could see the concern on Clementine's face as he sat down next to her, "we are a small village where everyone knows who is who and supports each other when there is a need. We all care for the children together, you shouldn't be concerned about those two children's future. It's already decided that they'll be taken in by a couple whose children already moved out. They no longer live on the island, so the couple has extra rooms for them."

Clementine doesn't say anything as she looks down at Mirabelle with a soft gaze before turning her head to look at the older man, "that's sweet of all of you. They seemed like good kids, they deserve the best."

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