The Plans

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Sabre's point of view
I started to wake up. I could tell I was laying down. On a bed by how it feels. The headache was gone and so was the pain of my breaking code.

I don't know how long I was out, but by the fact I was in a new place, I was probably out for a while. I open my eyes to see I was in a bedroom. It wasn't like any of the houses built in the town though.

This is someone's home. I can tell from how decorated it was. The room I was in was pretty clean and organized. There was a window looking outside and it was by the looks of its morning. In the forest.

I slowly get up and rub my head trying to remember the last thing I saw. The red and black hat. It seems familiar, but I couldn't figure out why.

I opened the door and looked around. A small hallway with stairs that led down. Looks like I'm on the second floor. I walk to the stairs to see if I could hear who saved me.

I heard humming and the voice was very familiar. I thought for a few moments and went down the stairs slowly. I still didn't feel good so I need to take it slow.

I looked around then found them in the kitchen. I smiled when I realized it was even relaxed a little. I was even excited.

He has his dark golden hair that looked recently cut. Not the best haircut, but it wasn't too bad. He wore the familiar red and Black hat that I saw by what it seems like yesterday.

He had his black shirt sleeve shirt and a red vest with black buttons like always. He wore large black shorts and red tennis shoes that were old and worn down.

"Lucas!" I say to him and he jumps back and turns around seeing me. His light blue eyes looked at me closely.

"Sabre!" He goes up to me and I hug back. I try not to think about what he used to look like before. When for a while we were enemies. Back in my first life that is.

"Wait. You should be laying down." He said angrily and grabs my hand.

"What-" I was cut off as he dragged me to the living and pushes me onto the couch.

"I'm fine Lucas. Really." I say trying to calm him down.

"You were burning up when I found you. I can't  believe Plague Steve came back." He says to me. Right he was there.

"After I brought you here I went to look for Rainbow, but he wasn't anywhere." Oh right... he doesn't know that either.

"Rainbow... he was killed a while ago..." I mutter a little. He looks at me thinking at first it was a joke, but he could slowly tell that I wasn't lying.

"How?! Who?!" He asked confused and panicked now.

"Void Steve... he was trying to kill me..." I just couldn't get myself to say the rest. Lucas puts a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry... Maybe I could have done something if I was there." He says and I shake my head. Of course, it wasn't his fault.

"I'll finish making breakfast." He says then leaves the living room. I stay quiet and think. What can I do? If I go back to the town I won't be able to say much. Especially if I'm as sick as Lucas says I am... which I probably am.

They'll think I'm just going crazy, but I can't leave them alone with him there. He probably already did things to hurt them.

Lucas comes back in with some food and sits next to me. He gives me a plate without saying anything. He's known me for a long time. He also knows that when I get lost in my thoughts it's better if I finish them.

I slowly eat and he eats too. He keeps glancing at me as I go back to planning what should happen next.

"I need to make a machine... I... I absorbed a lot of Plague Steve's powers and need to get them out of me." He looks at me confused. He had a lot of questions about why and how, but he didn't ask them.

"I'll make the machine okay? You just stay here for now."

"Are you sure? I have more experience with machines and-" He cuts me off by leaving. I sigh knowing I can't fight him. So I just stay quiet and finish eating.

I put my hand to where my necklace was and found it was gone. I quickly got up and went to Lucas.

"Lucas! Have you seen my necklace? It's gone!" I ask my panic rising. I can't lose it. I can't lose it. It means too much to me.

"No. It must have fallen off then Plague Steve got you."

"We need to go back now!" I say slightly angered at myself and Plague.

"We can't. He might still be around, once we use the machine we can see what we can do okay?" He says trying to calm me down.

"Fine.. let's just make this quick... please."

Plague's point of view
I smile. Just smile. Already the kid is under my control. I can tell. They have that energy around them.

The young Green Steve invited me to see his friends. I agreed and was currently keeping an eye on them. Already I can feel the Steves's energy slowly getting the infection. The same infection as the Green Steve has.

I've made friends with all of Sabre's closest friends. Well, I should say almost all of them. Alex is the most suspicious of me. The only one is suspicious of me.

I would infect her if I had more of my powers, but she is different from the other Steves. She isn't even one like Sabre. I just have to hope she doesn't catch on too much.

"Do you want to play with us?" A young Blue Steve said to me. I look at him.

"Play what?" I ask.

"Tag!" They said excitedly. He didn't have the tone of a regular Blue Steve, more like a yellow Steve. I was about to agree when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Can we talk?" I heard Illusion Steve say to me. It gave me the chills. This Steve is different than most Steves. He creeps me out.

"Sure. What do you need? Sorry kids." The young Steves sighed upset. They wanted to play with me, but they soon ran off on their own. Illusion Steve pulls me aside.

"Where is Sabre." His voice stern. Not much of a question more like he knows I did something.

"Who?" I ask staying calm.

"Sabre. You were in the forest when he went missing. He wears a white chicken hoodie." He says anger in his voice. I try to back up, but he won't let go of my wrist.

"I haven't seen him."

"You have. My brother said he went into the forest. A little while after you came here. Alex and I have been looking for him in the town this morning and he isn't anywhere." This is bad. I need to give myself more time.

"Oh! Sabre. Yeah, I saw him. I told him I found him in the forest. He said he would get supplies in this cave system and wouldn't be back for a while." I hope that's convincing. Maybe. He seems to relax a little.

"Thanks, but we will see if your lying." He tells me to let go of my wrist and leaves. I sigh with relief. I don't have much time, but I'm sure it will be enough.
(Words 1305)

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