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I was walking slowly at first. I needed to get used to the Guardian's unbalanced weight. His wings didn't really help. The added weight from the pouring rain didn't help either. Thunder and Lighting surrounded us in this storm. The fog was fading as I went further down the mountain. I was now at a faster pace than before. I kept an eye on the Guardian.

"Just hang in their Guardian." I said in between breaths. I continued to go down the mountain. The lighting was starting to get unreasonably close to me. This wasn't normal lighting. This lighting is being controlled by someone.

I stopped walking for a second and looked around the forest. The fog wasn't as bad as before, but it was making it hard to see anything hidden. If anyone was trying to hide that is. I got to a tree and layed the Guardian on his back. I take out my sword.

"Hey! Why don't you come out and fight me!" I yelled angrily at whoever was summing the lighting. It's probably whoever the Guardian was warning me about. The only thing I heard in response was natural thunder and the rain. I kept my guard up.

I heard something move above and behind me. I turned around and saw someone I didn't expect to see. Nightmare Steve. The Steve I've killed multiple times. The Steve that I've fought over hundreds of times. The Steve who split back up into a Red and Yellow Steve. He was above me with a gold sword in his hands with a downward strike. I jumped back to move out of the way in time.

"Nightmare Steve?" I said in shock keeping my weapon pointed at his chest. He slowly walks up to me.

"It's good to see you too, Sabre. It looks like you have been busy." He says to me. His hair was dark yellow with random streaks of black. He wore a long sleeved shirt with a mix of red and yellow dye with random black splotches as if he spilled ink over his clothes. He wore a black and yellow armor cet over it with a corrupted symbol of the yellow steves on his chest, a black and yellow lighting bolt. His pants were yellow with the random black splotches. His boots were blood red like they were stained with the blood of red steves. He still had his broken gold crown on his head. His left eye was yellow with a strange magenta pink pupil. His Right eye was red with the same color pupil. Same Nightmare Steve as before. He stood a little taller than Time Steve does.

"I thought you split apart! You should be Red and Yellow Steve now!" I took a few steps back. I mangled to glance to the side of him to see the Guardian was looking worse than before. I need to get this confrontation over with soon and fast. I hope this doesn't lead into a fight.

"Oh Sabre. You know so little about Steves when they merge. When Steves merge they become their own person and being. As long as there's more than just the steeves energy I can still live on. I have the power of the end crystal and the darkness to keep me together. I am my own Steve now. That's all thanks to you for killing me so many times and letting me become my own person in the underworld." I could see electricity build up in his free hand. He wasn't going to leave without a fight. How did he escape from the Underworld? Is it connected to the Guardian's condition? It must be.

"Why don't you leave and bother someone else!" I yelled at him no longer backing up. I stood tall in front of Nightmare Steve. He wasn't intimidated though.

"Well you're the only thing I need to kill in order to get what I want, but for now the one who freed me gave me a request. One that should be simple enough."

"What do you want then?" I asked cautiously. A corrupted smile grew on his face making a shover go down my spine.

"Revenge." He raised his left hand above his head and lightning struck on me. I got his by two bolts of lighting before moving to the side. I ran at him and attacked his left side. He saw me coming and countered the attack with his sword. I managed to keep his sword from hitting me with my own. I pushed my sword outward causing him to slide back. I was now in front of the Guardian protecting him from Nightmare Steve. I can take a few hits. He can't.

My Inner Code (Rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now