The Fight

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Me and Time started walking back to the house. It was really nice out today and I was able to dry off fairly quickly.

"Our next step is to defeat Plague?" Time asked as he looked at me.

"Yeah, now that I don't have the sickness anymore we can fight him. I think we should-"

"Think you should what?" I jumped back and turned around. Plague Steve was right behind us. Time took a second longer to realize he was here, but once he noticed he got in front of me.

"Get away from Sabre." Time said in a dark tone. I never knew he could sound so dark. Plague laughed and took a step closer to us.

"Can't. I need my powers back."

"We destroyed the sickness! Your powers are gone!" I yelled at him. Getting into a fighting position. Time looked at me and shook his head.

"You may have stopped the purpose of my powers, but you have not destroyed my abilities." He got unreasonably close to Time. He steps back and I do a well.

"So why was pufferfish the cure to the sickness?" Time asked. That was a good question. Why is it out of everything the puffer fish venom is the cure.

"I'm allergic to pufferfish." Wait- Steves can have allergic reactions? That is a surprise.

"That makes sense. I just had no idea Steve could have allergic reactions like players can." I told Plague who simply rolls his eyes at me.

"Enough of this nonsense. Let's get this done and over with." Plague summons Lighting on Time who gets hit. I quickly run behind Plague and slash his back with my sword.

Plague turns around and looks at me dead in the eyes. Well at my blindfold. He grabs my wrist just as Time summons alighting on Plague. I grab his shoulder and flip him on his back. I put a sword to his neck, but he had a really strong grip on my wrist.

"Just give up Plague. You can't win against the two of us." Time gets ready to fight just in case he escapes from my hold.

"Considering that only one of you has powers I think the odds are with me." But he doesn't have powers- I felt electricity run through body. I staggered and let go of my iron sword and Plague.

"I can take my abilities back just by touching the person who has them." Plague says with a grin as he contoured to summon lighting on me. I drop to a knee and brace the pain. He stopped summoning lighting on me when Time summoned a lot of lighting on him.

"Sabre are you okay?" Time asked as he slowly helped me up from the ground.

"Yeah I'm alright. We just need to hold Plague Steve off."I tell him, still feeling the shock of electricity in me. It will take a while for it to go away.

"Giving up already?" Plague asked, reaching his hand out to do another attack.

"No of course not." I quickly grab my sword and attack him. It hit its mark and I got a deep cut on his wrist. That should make it harder for him to use his abilities on us.

Time grabs Plague from behind and Plague summons lighting on himself and Time. Time quickly lets go. I was close enough to him to swing my sword upwards and get a deep wound on his chest.

Plague flies up weakly into the air out of range of my sword attacks. I get ready for any attack that me might throw at me. Time flies up to his level.

"First you made Sabre really sick. Second you took control of some of my friends. Third you almost killed Sabre and now your trying to kill him again. I'm not having it." Time said angrily at Plague.

I take a few steps back. Why is he so worried about me? He should me more focused on the fight then me getting hurt.

"What will you do about it? Put me back into the timeless orb? Turn me into a baby or an old Steve with your time powers. You may control something powerful, but you can never use it in a fight." Plague taunts to Time making my skin boil.

"Then let's see how long it will take for me to kill you." Time starts to summon a lot of lighting and his own pure energy onto Plague like Galaxy can do. I didn't know he could do that.

Within a second Plague was screaming in agony. He dropped to the ground, but the lighting didn't stop. After only a few seconds her was on his knees.

"Time stop!" I scream at him realizing he wasn't joking about killing him. Thankfully Time stops. He looks at me.

"Why should I stop! He was ruining all the peace you worked for-" I cut him off, I didn't want him to yell at me. I didn't like it...

"Time just relax. Please. I can handle this." Plague was still on his knees and looked like a wreck from the blow. I walk up to him. He looks up at me.

"Please don't kill me. I can bring Rainbow Steve back like last time. I can make everyone happy." I flinched. I held my weapon tighter in my hand.

"That is the only reason I'm making your death as quick as I can."

"What-" I raise my sword down and stab his chest. He screamed for only a second then passes out on the ground his cyan blood quickly staining his clothes and the ground.

"Why didn't you let me kill him? Time asked as he walked up behind me. He looked exhausted.

"Have you ever killed anyone?" I look at him.

"No... but-"

"Then never kill. I don't want this to be in your conscious for the rest of your life. I can take more blood, but I don't want your hands covered in anyone's blood." Time stays quiet from my serious tone. I look down and Plague again to see the lifeless-ness in his eyes. He was gone. His energy was too. The sickness will never come over this land again.

"Time let's get you inside for now. That blow you did on Plague probably drained you." Time nods a little admitting to how drained he was. I could tell he was about to ask something so answer his question.

"I'm alright Time. I didn't get baldy hurt." I tell him and he just starts to walk toward the house. He is probably both surprised and tired. After a few second I follow leaving Plague's body on the ground.

We won... but it doesn't feel like much of a victory.
(Words 1171) Hey guys. Haven't done one of these closing notes in a while. I just wanted to say thank you for all the birthday wishes for me yesterday and I hope you all have a great day or night.

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