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I went upstairs to check on Time, something felt wrong about him. Sabre fell asleep on the couch from exhaustion and I took that chance to head upstairs. I went through the room until getting to a door upstairs that has the sound of Time's mask. I knocked on the door softly.

"Time, can I come in?" I asked him. I wait for a response.

"Yes...." Time whispered quietly through the sounds of the chatter of everyone downstairs. I went into the room to find him sitting on the bed quietly looking down at the ground. I sat down next to him.

"Are you alright?" I asked him.

"I'm fine just... out of everyone I should of noticed... I should of known he was the real one..." He mumbled. I put my hand on his shoulder.

"You weren't the only one who was fooled. We all just had to trust our guts on this. But we got the real Sabre, and he is safe here."

"I should of noticed he was missing! I live with him and... he's told me secrets he hasn't told anyone else. I hurt him... I hurt him when he was under the control of Shadow Sabre. I never wanted to hurt him...." He clutched his fist in anger.

"You didn't hurt him. Well you did, but you didn't know it was him... and if anything he hurt you too. He probably feels bad about stabbing you just as much as you feel bad about hurting him. Knowing him you probably both feel the same way about this."

"I thought I knew him well enough... to always know that was him..." He shook his head.

"There is a lot all of us have yet to learn about him, I mean we haven't even seen his face without the blindfold on before. We didn't even know his first name was Elan before all of this... it's been a lot and we are learning about him... you can never know a person as well as you think you do."

"I guess..." He relaxed his fist, but something told me he was hiding something.... Something he knew about Sabre maybe? I won't push it though. I'm only here for him. No one else.

I wrapped my arms around him and gave him a hug. He slowly hugged me back with a gentle thank you. I mumbled your welcome back to him. I held him in the hug for a while before letting him go.

"You really care about Sabre... it's okay to be upset... you didn't even really hurt him. You hurt Shadow Sabre." I helped explain to him.

"It still doesn't feel right... for me to hurt him like that... the same way I would feel if I hurt you or dad or Illusion..." He mumbles.

"Because you love him Time." I said honestly. He shakes his head.

"I don't love him! He is just a very close friend of mine. He..." He stumbles over his words.

"Really? It seems like more then just friends to me." I took his hand. He doesn't say a word.

"Have you ever wanted to hold him all night?" I asked.

"I well... we have... just because it felt nice doesn't mean I want to every night." He denies.

"Have you ever wanted to hold his hand?"

"We also have but only because he was nervous and was in pain..."

"You have been feeling like this ever since you saw him get hurt. You pick him up and keep him safe when you want to protect him." I explained further.

"I would do that with anyone else..." I could tell he was lying.

"Have you ever wanted to kiss him?" I asked bluntly.

"I um well...." He mutters and he pulls his hand back fidgeting with his fingers.

"Have you ever wanted to play with his hair? Have you ever wanted to tell him how much he means to you?" I kept adding to the things I am pretty sure he wants to do with Sabre.

My Inner Code (Rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now