Night Terror

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Sabre's point of view
"Elan." I heard Nightmare Steve say behind me suddenly through all the chaos in my dreams. Well... I can't really say this is a dream anymore. The Overseer's town was in flames. Piles of dead bodies some bleeding others burned to charcoal laid around this place. I held Time Steve in my arm. He just passed.

"I knew it was you..." I muttered my voice still quivering from the death I just witnessed. I knew a nightmare would come and haunt me, but I didn't know it would be this bad. I know it's a dream, but it's just to real. Too much....

Everything felt real. The blood. The grass. The flames. Everyone looked the same... everyone felt the same. Even the smells were real. It took me longer than I hoped to realized I was in a dream I can't control. Not exactly a Nightmare.

A Night Terror.

Nightmare Steve walked up to he slowly I clutched Time closer to me as if he really was here. As if I could hold him tight enough he would realize I needed help and he would wake me up, but nothing. I only felt his body grow colder.

"What do you want and-" I started to cough heavily. The smoke was already getting to me and it's only been a few minutes. My body hairs down a lot quicker in smoke than it does for normal people. The only person who knows now that is Rainbow Steve.

"You name? Let's just say a little bird told me. Now what to do with you. It doesn't look like your going to wake up anytime soon." He says with a chuckle. He stood above me with a grin.

"What else do you want to do with me? Are you made that I gave you a little scratch?" I said with a smirk trying to keep myself calm and unfazed. He already saw the fear in me though. It was pointless.

"That scratch will take away you sanity." He growled at me his face getting as close to mind as he could. He was trying to keep me in his strings.

"Good luck."

"That's what I should say to you." Everything around me changed. We were now in the field near a lake.... Where the monument the Steves made for me stood. I saw Rainbow Steve standing next to it. He was looking at me.

"Sabre?" He asked in confusion. I walked up to him a bit suspicious of what's going on.

"Stop! Don't get any closer!" He yells at me in a panic stepping away from me.

"Rainbow it's me. Is everything okay?" I asked. I looked around and even at myself to figure out what was going on that could scare him. I quickly found it. My Blindfold was torn on the ground. He could see my eyes. My code.

"Rainbow let me explain-"

"That is not normal Sabre! What's wrong with you!" I flinched and took a step back to hopefully help him feel better.

"This... this is what my eyes really look like. I know it's weird, but it doesn't have to change-"

"This changes everything. I have to tell the others."

"Rainbow please don't tell the others. I can explain why my eyes are like this. Just."

"I know what you are. You don't have to explain that to me now. You're a monster." That hurt. I squeezed my wrist. I stayed quiet Rainbow gets out a stick and hits the memorial's glass. It shatters.

"What are you doing?!" I asked in a bit of a panic. This isn't Rainbow. At least I don't think he would act like this. I will never know. I ran over to him to try to help him calm down. He looked at me with cold eyes. He raised his hand up slowly. It reaching out to me. I froze.

"Stay away from me and everyone else." He says in a cold voice. I was the trapped in ice. I couldn't move. The ice was suffocating. I felt so cold so fast. I tried to break the Ice around me, but it was to thick. To cold....

"Help!" I screamed through the suffocating cold around me. I got no response. I wasn't going to be let out. I stood their and slowly let the cold nip at my arms and legs. I started to shake after a few minutes. I wouldn't wake up until this nightmare was over.

I waited. I waited for the cold to overtake me, but nothing happened. I waited for myself to fall asleep, but nothing happened. I waited for myself to die in this ice but nothing happened. The silence was strong. I couldn't hear anything outside of this cold prison. I could only hear my frozen breath.

Suddenly the ice shattered around me. Lighting struck through the ice and onto me. I felt the electric pain run through my entire body.

I woke up.

I jolted up and held my chest. Instead of electricity it was a strong numbness. The only real pain I could feel was on my leg and my arm.

"Sabre it's okay. Relax." I looked to the left to see Time Steve. He his a hand on my shoulder. I took a deep breath and nod.

"The Overseer said this would happen. He said it happened before." Time says and I hugged him tightly. He hugged me back.

"Don't use your arm. The Green Steves are still asleep. They need a bit longer before they can heal your injuries."

"Okay okay I won't...." I say calming down from the dream.

"You okay? It looked like a bad dream." Time asked letting go of me. I let go of him and looked down making sure my blindfold was still on. It was, but I tighten it.

"Did it come off? In your dream?" I looked at him confused. "The Blindfold?"

"Oh yeah... it did..."

"So your scared of how you look?" I jumped surprised from his conclusion.

"Not exactly..." I muttered.

"I think you would look nice- not that you don't already." He stuttered and looked away from me. I laughed a little.

"Really me?! My hair is so filthy and long. I have so many scars on me from the fights I've had and I'm wearing a very old chicken onesie. You think this looks nice." I said to lighten the mood. Time laughs a little.

"Yes. Yes I do. Do you need anything at all?" He asked a bit relieved I made that joke.

"I think I'm alright. Is the Guardian okay?" I asked

"I was about to go and see." Time gets up.

"Can I come?" I asked and got up. I flinched in pain from my leg and took off all the pressure from it causing me to falls back onto the bed. I hit my head on the back of the wall and grunted.

"Sabre! You okay?!" Time helped me sit up while I rubbed the back of my head.

"I'm fine, I just forgot about the leg. Can I still come?" I asked a bit nervously. He will probably say no especially after that. He thinks.

"On one condition. I'll carry you over." Time said as he picked me up. I was not expecting that.

"No no no uh I think I'm good actually." I said hoping he would put me down. I had no idea Time was strong enough to pick me up. He adjusts himself so I was on his back.

"Are you sure? Don't you want to figure out what happened before you found the Guardian?" He asked me one more time. I thought about it hard feeling my face turn red.

"Fine... as long as no one sees us..." I muttered. Time took that as a yes and we leave the house. I really hope no one sees me like this.
(Words 1321)

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