Unwanted Tea Party

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I drowned out the voices around me for a few minutes to focus on the pain in my body. The sharp pain I have been dealing with ever since I got infected. The source of the pain being in my eyes, but the sharp pain will also course through my body at random spots. Random parts of my existence breaking the threads while I sit here at a tea party. Soon the pain faded and I sighed with relief. Hopefully it won't happen again at this tea party so I don't show any signs of weakness. Not to the villains.

I continued to eat the sweet berries on the stick seeing everyone was still having side conversations with the person next to them. I looked at the table setting to find there were 12 seats, but two were empty. The ones across Time and Void were empty. Void and Origin sat at the ends of the table where me and Time were. Across the table from me was Reverse who sat next to Shadow Steve. The short end of the table only had room for two seats on either side. Nightmare and Dark sat at the head of the table while Positive and Negative took the end of the table. I looked at Origin.

"Who are those seats for?" I asked him. He looked at me then two the empty seats in front of Void and Time.

"I don't think you have met one of them, the one who would have sat across where Time Steve is sitting now. Next to them is where Faceless would have sat. They were invited, but they didn't come or tell us they were not coming. The other person said they were busy as well as the same person who was going to sit where you are sitting now." So me and Time are sitting in seats that were supposed to come to this tea party. Only one of them I know of. The other two I don't think I would be told.

"Time is sitting where his cousin Memory should be. He was invited, but never came. I have only seen him once. Void seems him the most out of everyone here." I looked at Time who was talking to Void. He didn't seem to notice me and Origin were talking about them.

"So Sabre. How is Rainbow?" Reverse looked at me.

"Dead. So he is at peace and away from all this relentless fighting." I glared at Reverse. He smiled.

"And you're still here fighting huh?"

"Yes, I won't stop until I know my friends can live happily in this world." Reverse didn't any more knowing this would cause a fight which Dark who is hosting this probably doesn't want. I wasn't even sure what I could discuss to my enemies without giving anything away about myself or my friends.

"Sabre, what's your favorite color?" I looked over to Dark who asked me the question. Usually I'm not asked that question since my friends are usually represented by colors. It always felt wrong to tell them I had a color I liked more than any other.

"Green. Specifically dark shades of green. They remind me of my father." I said.

"Really? That's why I like the color yellow. It reminds me of my dad." He said. Dark seems so sweet, but I can't be sure if that's an act or not. Nightmare turned his head away, seeming embarrassed by his comment.

"You shouldn't be embarrassed Nightmare. You son looks like he really loves you."

"He doesn't need to say that in front of you. So where are your parents hmm?" I sighed thinking about my parents in my first life. The happiness and joy I felt then was unlike any other. A sense of peace without knowing how dangerous the world really can be. Before I even knew my eyes were special.

"Dead." Was all I said. Nightmare looks at me.

"That explains why you never leave this world to see family. You don't have any." Nightmare comments as Dark suddenly gets up and leaves the room. He probably left to get the next dish. I felt someone hold my hand and squeeze it tightly. I knew it was Time. Hemust of heard me said that.

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