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Weeks have passed and I took all the roles as the Guardian as he recovers in the spirit world. Helping the few steves who have come to this world to rest. Helping souls with any problems they may have. Mostly I look over the collapsed portal making sure it doesn't reform. Blue Steve hasn't woken up yet and Rainbow already told Hypno and Elemental about the Guardian's condition. I'm glad Sabre was there to save his life. He doesn't even know how much he has helped me long after my death in the middle world.

The portal lays untouched on the ground. All its shattered pieces are starting to be overgrown by grass and plants in this world. The spirit world moving on past this disaster of the only portal to the lower world from the upper world is gone. What was left of the tensions of the lower and upper world have finally faded. No more steves trapped in the world below and any connections to this world gone. Once the Guardian is able to return to this world we can. I stayed quiet as the night felt quiet and peaceful.

I looked up at the night sky, the stars gleaming bright in the darkness of night. So many connections and shapes between the stars. I wonder if the star's connections were made on purpose or not. I enjoyed the silence alone feeling at peace at my home. A home I will protect no matter the cost.

My eyes suddenly started to burn. A burning sensation that didn't go away as I rubbed them with my hands in pain. Each time I closed my eyes I saw something. Something that grew clearer and clearer each time I blinked. Fire. A fire that seemed to take shape in the form of a mouth. Growing in what looks like the world below. The orange and red flames soon turned white and blue.

The land shook and a veil seemed to be revealed to the middle world. Steves were in panic and fear as the flames that seemed to now take turn into more of an animal's face attacked the fragile veil between the two. The white bits of the flame glowed once and the veil shattered.

The flames ran across the entire middle world as everything and Steve burst into flames. Screams erupted in my ears as I heard steves die. The middle world quickly became a sea of ash and a land of charred earth. The flames grew and another veil was revealed. A veil to the spirit world. The white flames glowed again and took the form of a large demonic dragon now all of its power is in its full glory. It broke through the veil with ease and started to eat the souls of steves who have only just entered this world. Those souls became infected with fire and blood and changed into living zombies of who they once were. The Spirit world soon turned into land that would forever be in flames, but never char or burn the land around it.

The Dragon stood in front of me in its flames of glory and blood. It didn't attack me and surrounded me with its white flames. I am the dragon that will destroy everything.

I dropped to the ground and saw I was still in the spirit world, but flames didn't take over this land. The spirit world was still in this nightly peace. I catched my breath as questions ran through my mind. Was what I saw a dream or something else. I looked ahead and saw the portal. It now stood bright and tall in front of me. It was rebuilt and formed again. How long was /i out for?

"Don't move Light Steve." I heard a voice echo through my mind. Someone was speaking t me through a voice in my head. A voice so dark and deep it sounded familiar to a voice I only heard once. I felt the cold metal of a blade on the back of my neck. I was forced to knel to the ground with my hands behind my back. Looking in front of me I see the lehs of a dark Blue Steve standing in front me. The dark blue was darker than an elder steves color should be. This Elder blue steve is different. An Elder Blue Steve I may never see again.

"We are finally here in the upper world. It's so beautiful isn't it?" The Blue Steve said with a sickened voice as he walked around me. Not able to follow him with my eyes I followed him with the sound of my feet.

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