Friend issues

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Hey, quick announcement. I am writing a new book! If you look at my profile you should find it. It's called Glitched Fate. It's a MC trapped fan fiction and already has four chapters out. That is why I haven't been uploading this book.

Also sorry for my decided your story fans and Delusional reality fans. I will get to you soon I promise.

Also, the picture above is the cover for my new book. So I hope you guys check it out and enjoy this chapter.
Lucas's point of view
"Please don't kill me or Fake Lucas! You can take anything you want." I say backing up slowly from the Space themes Steve and the girl behind him.

"Like I said where are my sons!" Steve slowly walks in while I kept walking back.

"Steves have sons?" I asked. I thought steves were just created not have creators. Illusion Steve saw me and I look at him desperately for help. He looks to see who was standing in front of me. He then sighed in frustration.

"Galaxy. He is Sabre's friend and let me and Time stay the night."

"Wait, Galaxy Steve created you?" I ask confused and the Steve who I guess is Galaxy Steve.

"Yes I- we'll sort of. I didn't mean to create Illusion, but I did mean to create Time and Elemental." Galaxy says.

"Also hi Alex." Illusion says to the girl. Huh, an Alex? Never knew they existed. Then again I don't know a lot about this world.

"Why are you here?" Alex asked Illusion.

"I and Time got trapped in a cave because of Cy- Plague Steve."

"I knew something wasn't right about him!" Alex said proudly. I look up the stairs and hope that they haven't woken up Sabre. He needs rest.

"Where is Time?" Galaxy asked. Illusion shrugged his shoulders.

"He is upstairs with Sabre," I tell Galaxy Steve.

"Wait you guys found Sabre?" Alex asked.

"I did, he was attacked by Plague Steve and I took him here. The next day we found Illusion and Time in the cave. Then we all came back here."

"I'm going to say hi to Sabre then." Galaxy said happily about to go upstairs, but I stop him.

"Not right now, Sabre is asleep."

"Asleep?" Alex was confused just like Galaxy, I guess they know how much of a morning person Sabre is.

"He's sick..." Illusion sighed. Alex seemed worried.

"Still going to check on him." Galaxy went upstairs before I could stop him. I sighed in frustration.

"Don't worry he won't wake him up," Alex tells me.

"Oh, alright. I didn't know there was Alexs in this world."

"No one did, Sabre was the first one to expect me when everyone else thought I was a witch."

"That's Sabre alright." He has been like that. As long as I have known him he's been mostly kind to others.

"So how long have you known him?" Alex asked. I sat down on the couch. Illusion and Alex sit on it next to each other.

"I've known him since Highschool. We went to college together and both got in the same portal."

"Same portal?" Illusion was interested now.

"Yeah, I and Sabre fell into a portal. Sabre first, but the portal closed. One day it opened again and I went to it. It leads me and him to this world. We both can leave whenever we want."

"So why did you leave?" Alex asked.

"My mom's funeral."

"Oh, Sabre told us about those. I'm sorry to hear that."

"It's okay. It was her time. She was pretty old when she had me."

"And you dad?" Illusion added to what Alex said.

"He wasn't a very nice man, and I recently found out that he wasn't even my real dad."

"Then who is?"

"I have no idea." They stayed quiet for a bit and I did too. After a while Illusion asked me one more thing.

"Was your dad a Steve?"

"What? Why would you ask that?" Alex seemed just as confused as me. Illusion then looked and Alex and spoke to her. I had no idea what he was saying though. Alex then looks at me, then Illusion. She responds to him in the same language he talked to her in.

"What are you saying?" I asked very confusedly.

"Oh, nothing just don't worry about it," Alex said leaving me to a blank on what just happened.

Galaxy and Time come down. Galaxy seemed upset and Time seemed nervous.

"What's wrong?"

"Sabre has the sickness... I can tell." Galaxy said sadly. Alex looks in shock and anger.

"How?! Players can't get it!"

"He didn't get it, he absorbed it on accident. He told me himself... now he needs to get it out of him before he... you know...." Time Steve mutters.

"That makes sense, but he is an idiot." Illusion says. Trying to show he wasn't nervous, but he was tapping his finger on the arm of the couch.

"So what do we do?"

"Make a machine. That's the only way we can get it out of him safely." Time says. Galaxy nods agreeing.

"I and Sabre made a machine yesterday, but it wasn't strong enough to get it out of him."

"Can I see it?" Galaxy asked me. I nod and lead him outside. Time stays inside with Illusion, but Alex follows us.

I showed him the machine in my sort of backyard. I didn't really have a fence, but I did clear an area out for a backyard I was going to make later.

"The Redstone isn't very strong and you don't have a lot of iron or even gold to the machine."

"I'm not really good with machines, but I didn't want Sabre to push himself when we made it."

"That's okay. I can help! Sabre taught me a little bit about machines and I've been in a few of them myself." Galaxy smiles and I smile back.

He starts to work on the Machine. Alex and I both help with what we can. Already the machine was looking a lot better.

"Are you and Alex dating?" I asked. They were pretty close to each other while talking and when I first meet them. Galaxy freezes up, but Alex just looked at me confused.

"No? We are just friends?" Alex told me confused.

"Of course we aren't!" Galaxy replied quickly. He seemed a bit nervous. Don't know why though.

"Sorry, it's just you now to seem close to each other."

"We have just become good friends that's all." Galaxy mutters and keeps working on the machine. Soon we Finish.

"We should wait until Sabre wakes up before we put in him the machine," Alex says. Galaxy nods in agreement.

"Illusion told me a little bit about the sickness, but not a lot. Could you tell me more about it?" I asked. Alex sighed and nods.

"Well, it's a long story..."
(Words 1160)

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