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Rainbow's point of view
"Light please!" I begged my brother. Light looked at me. He wears a white cloak over his back. He still wears the same light grey shirt and darker grey pants. He sighed with annoyance.

"Like I said I can't tell you where me and the Guardian went. He specifically told me to stay quiet about it."

"Don't want to disobey your father!" Hypno Steve teased, He only had one purple eye. His hair was a mix of a purple and green. He wore a vivid green and purple sweater with brown shorts and brown tennis shoes. He was slightly taller than I was.

"He is not my dad!" Light yelled slightly frustrated and we all laughed. Light did too after a few seconds. Hypno makes a mischievous smile.

"What are you planning Hypno?" I was a bit curious.  He continued to smile.

"Want to sneak up on Elemental?" He said a bit excitedly. I thought about it for a moment and nodded. Hypno really likes to prank people with his voice. He has extra fun scaring people. He is usually mean to everyone else and puts criticism on others but it helps people improve who they are. He definitely has told me more than once I need to stop worrying about unimportant things and focus more on big things.

"I have to wait for The Guardian to get back-" Hypno cuts him off.

"You never take time for yourself. Stop being an idiot and take some time to have fun for once." Hypno snapped at Light. I tried not to laugh since that is more than true. He was always working.

"Well if I didn't stop working you wouldn't know that Elemental is at the Seeing Lake." Light smirks a little, happy to get back at Hypno.

"Then come with us and prove he is there." Hypno smiles. Light looked around and sighed. He started to walk to the Seeing Lake we both followed. When we got there we saw Elemental looking down into the lake. After I showed him how to use the lake to check on people in the middle world he comes here everyday to check on Time. He really misses him.

Hypno sneaked behind Elemental not making a sound. Me and Light stood there Light more curious on how Hypno Steve would scare Elemental. He hasn't heard Hypno's true voice yet. I couldn't help, but smile.

"Elemental Steve!" Hypno said in his crazy, demonic, glitchy voice. Elemental screams and almost falls into the water. Light's eyes were wide open in panic from the tone of his voice. Hypno just laughs it off. "Did I scare you?" He asked and I could see Elemental's lava arm grow brighter.

"I almost fell in!" He yelled angrily, Light nervously chuckled.

"That is a very... um... special voice." Light mentioned.

"Yup, he used that a lot when he was in my head."

"Sorry about that Rainbow." Hypno Steve apologized to me instead of apologizing to Elemental. Elemental took a deep breath to relax. He then looks back into the lake.

"How is it with Time?" I asked and sat next to him. Light sat on the other side of Elemental while Hypno stood behind Elemental to look down into the water. Elemental expanded the view of the middle world.

"I told you I'm going to wait for Sabre to get back." That was Time Steve's voice. They were at Lucas' house. Galaxy was in the same room as Time was in. He was sitting at the edge of the bed.

"You need to rest. I will wake you up when you Sabre gets here." Galaxy told Time sternly.

"Who's house is this?" Light asked.

"It's Lucas' house." I told him. He smiled a little. He had a good bond with Lucas. I did too, but their bond was a little bit stronger.

"Hey be quiet. I'm trying to listen." Hypno told us. We got quiet and continued to listen to Time and Galacy's conversation.

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