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Before we start today's chapter- today is the third year anniversary of the original book My Inner Code! This really shows how much I need to improve on getting chapters out Huh- but seriously guys thanks for three years of support for this book. The first day I wrote the chapter on the original of this book I didn't expect it to get this popular or even have a rewrite and now at 230 pages (google docs) I am closer to one of my goals in life to become a published writer. I know that I could never publish this book but this has help shown to me that I can do this no matter how long it may take. So thank you all. Thank you for everything from simply reading a chapter or doing fan-art that lifts my spirits on sad days.


I took a deep breath and sighed. This is all too much for me to take in. I did something that I shouldn't be able to do. Yes, I may have been able to help my friends... but now I have this stupid headache that won't disappear. I really am half Red Steve, but why now? Why would I only know about this now...

I heard a knock on the door. I didn't say anything cause I knew who it was. Three quick taps and one long one. That's Light. He came into the room anyway.

"Hey, horseman." Light laughed a little at my nickname. I laughed a bit too.

"Hey, Light..." Light sits next to me.

"So how are you holding up? Rainbow asked me to check up on you."

"Trying to figure this out... I mean I can't believe I have any form of abilities..."

"I am still adjusting to the fact I don't have powers anymore. I guess we are in opposite but similar situations." Light looks at his hand and takes him. His touch was cold.

"You're hands are warm. I guess with fire abilities make sense."

"Well you always controlled ice and snow and your hands are cold..." I mumbled.

"There's more to it now... I was never alive." I looked at Light confused.

"I am the only steve...that was not created in this world. I was created in a world where spirits are to rest. I was supposed to help protect these spirits. A representation of light... I was asked to help defeat something... horrid with Blue Steve. We got trapped in this world of fire and flames. We fought against the demon, but I could only do so much while Blue Steve could do nothing. We tried to find a way out and we did... but he made sure I was safe... He got trapped there and only recently was freed. I lost all my memories and I was created again by Sabre... After I died again I got all my memories back just as Rainbow did... It was a lot for me to adjust to and now I'm here adjusting to things again." Light explained. Me and he were always close. Just like Rainbow and Sabre were.

"Wow... I had no idea... well I learned a little bit but I didn't know that."

"Yeah... but I had my friends and we can help you just like they have been helping me." Light comforted me.

"Looks like I'll be able to do more than me and Sabre- agh..." I held my head. Light put his free hand on my head.

"Are you okay? If you got hurt you should have told us sooner." He started to worry.

"No just a headache... probably from these powers..." Something flashed in my vision, but it became a blur before I could comprehend it.

"You should lay down. Everyone else is already
heading to bed. You should too." Light tried to get me to lie down but I shake my head.

"No, it's fine really... Just give me a second... there was something I wanted to ask you anyways..." He looks at me concerned but lets me talk further. "Are there any steves who have managed to leave this universe entirely? Into a world without steves?" I asked.

My Inner Code (Rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now