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I woke up in pain. My head was pounding again. My body ached. I quickly realized I was not in the machine or anywhere near it by the looks of it. It was pretty dark in the forest and I could hear someone snoring. I moved my head to the sound to see Alex sleeping. She's here?

"Alex?" I asked very confusedly about why she was there.

"She's sleeping right now." I heard the Overseer say. I sat up and held my head, before looking over at him. My vision is still a bit blurry.

"Overseer?" As my vision cleared I saw the Guardian was with him I jumped up and got ready to fight. Guardian raises his hands a bit and gestures for me to calm down.

"Sabre it's me. I'm not under his control anymore." The Guardian said and I relaxed.

"Sorry." I sit back down. The pain in my head slowly went away. Did I hit the ground when I fell?

"It's okay Sabre. You just woke up." The Overseer sits down next to me and the Guardian sits against the other wall.

"What happened?" I asked them both to sigh.

"You passed out after you came out of the machine. Reality Steve was furious when he found out you cured the sickness not just out of the Overseer, but every other Steve."

"I did?" The Overseer looked just as shocked as I was. Maybe that's why I passed out, but my only questions are-

"What happened while you were in the machine?" The Guardian asked both of us. The Overseer spoke first.

"I don't know, I was in the machine when I felt something leave me. In a good way. That's it." The Guardian looked at me. I know I can't say anything about what happened. It would reveal too much... a player can't do things that I did in that machine.

"I... I don't remember...." I lied rubbing the back of my head to try and show that I didn't, even though I did.

"That's alright, I was just wondering." I look around to see we were in a ditch, probably hiding from Reality Steve since we aren't out of the Illusion.

"So Reality wouldn't break the Illusion I'm guessing?" I look at the Guardian and he just nods.

"I tried fighting him off, but it didn't do anything." The Overseer said sadly

"I have my powers, but the moment I broke out of the strange spell that Illusion- Reality he put on me I left to find you." I sigh. There is no way I can do anything to fight him off. I'm not strong enough, even then the damage I can do doesn't do much. I can make them hurt though.

"The only hope we have is Galaxy Steve..." I thought back to my poor friend stuck inside of Reality.

"But he has been absorbed into Reality Steve." The Overseer finished my sentence. Just like Void did a long time ago.

"Not exactly." I look at the Guardian confused.

"What do you mean? I ask.

"Reality was talking to Galaxy. I think his voice is in his head. Talking to him, seeing everything Reality sees." I stop and think about it for a while. Maybe he can break out? Maybe we can help him? I looked at the Overseer and I could tell we were thinking the same thing.

"I think we just need to talk to him. Get him out of his head." The Overseer said. Exactly what I was thinking.

"Let's find him as soon as possible." I get up. I felt dizzy at first, but after a while, I felt okay.

"Are you sure you can go, Sabre?" The Guardian looks at me noticing my weakened state.

"Yeah, I'm sure. The longer we wait the worse things might get. Overseer you should stay with Alex. You can protect her. You also need more rest than all of us here." He nods understanding. I look at the Guardian.

"Ready then Sabre." I was about to nod when I saw something in the corner of my eye. Alex had my necklace. Quickly I picked it up and put it around my neck feeling a sense of relief having it on again.

"Okay, now I'm ready." The Guardian was slightly confused, but he nodded and soon my ears were filled with thunder and the white flashes of lighting filled my vision. When I looked around again I saw a throne with Reality Steve sitting on it, more like slightly hovering over it.

"Sabre and the Guardian. Don't expect to see you here." He got you and hovered over to us. I felt slightly intimidated, not by his height, but by the energy he radiated.

"We are not here for you Reality Steve." The Guardian.

"And what makes you say that?" He looks around this odd empty throne room. "I am the only one here."

"Galaxy, I know you're there. I know you can hear me." Reality looked confused. The Guardian looked at me. Asking me to keep talking.

"I'm happy to see you aren't dead, which is great. I don't know how I would be if I found out you died..."

"Galaxy Steve is gone." I shake my head disagreeing. I took a step forward and he flew back slightly.

"If that's true kill me." The Guardian was not expecting me to say that. He pushed me back with a hand outstretched over my chest.

"Sabre, you can not just say things like that-" I cut him off.

"Kill me right here and right now." I continued and stepped in front of the Guardian.

"Gladly." He reaches his arm out to summon a lot of lighting on me, but nothing happens. The lighting had no damage to me, just like Void Steve when I was merged with the Galaxy Sword.

"It's just like Void Galaxy. Just not as strong. You've done this Before I'm sure you can do this again." I smile a little.

"I'll try..." I hear a very familiar voice say. I smile a little. It was Galaxy Steve.

"No! You can't escape!" Reality Steve said as lighting strikes on him. I stepped back and covered my ears from how loud it was. The Guardian wasn't covering his ears, but he was right next to me and pushed us both back.

"Yes, I can!" Galaxy Steve screamed out as the lighting stopped. I look to where Reality Steve was to see he is Illusion Steve again. Right next to him was Galaxy Steve.

"Galaxy!" I go up to him and hug him. It was great to see him again. It also looks like he wasn't under his control or Illusion again.

"I did it! Now- do you have any pufferfish? Cause I'm hungry." I laugh a little. Still the same Galaxy.

"I don't have any on me sorry." He smiles and I smile back. We then look back at Illusion.

"How? Why is it only when Sabre was here you were able to escape." He hisses at Galaxy.

"Because he is my best friend! I won't hurt him." That hurt to hear, but I tried not to let it show. He... He is my best friend, but so is Rainbow.

"Now Illusion Steve, break the Illusion. You don't have a chance against us." I said. Even though he still had Alex's powers, he doesn't. The Guardian and Galaxy Steve together are probably an even match or close to it. I hope.

"I rather die than do that." He gets ready to fight.

"I guess we will have to kill you." The Guardian said. Galaxy looked like he didn't, but I think he also knew this was the only way.

Lighting strikes and the fight begins.

(Words 1374) For anyone who wants to know why I changed it to Illusion fighting all of this instead of going with the fight is because I feel like he wouldn't have done that. He wouldn't of just willing give up his powers just because of some deal, and I wanted to fix that. You might notice I'll change a lot of things in this book from the original, but the original storyline and the ship are still the same.

Also are there any ships you guys want rather than Sabre x Time? It can be any, except for Sabre and Time being with different people since that wouldn't work, also I do plan on doing Galaxy x Alex since I do ship them together >:3 have a great day!

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