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Guardian's point of view
I flew up into the air and clasped my hands together to focus on making a ball of light. It takes a lot of energy but I need to end this fight quickly. I can't win a fight here. Not in a world that weakens me like this.

Before I could make a ball of light. Lighting strikes on me. I had to hold my ground. I can't fall from this height. Not when it would take me so long to get off the ground. Not when the ground burns my skin.

I manage to summon a small ball of light and throw it at Demon Steve. It only hits his shoulder but causes a lot of damage. I take that time to try to quickly get away from him. I flew to the portal.

I saw the portal in a matter of seconds. I flees down to it to go through knowing Demon Steve can't go through it, but fire surrounds me trapping me in a ball of hell's flame. The opposite of my weak ball of light.

"I am not letting get away that easily. I still need you." Demon Steve told me not raising his voice of even sounding mad. As if everything was going to plan to him. Even though I hurt him.

The fire around me spun faster turning the red flames white. I closed my eyes shut as the light quickly became blinding. As seconds ticked by being casted in these white flames I felt my energy start to drain. The flames faded as did my energy. I opened my eyes to see that the flames have faded enough for me to see again. I need to get out of here.

I reached to the flames touching them with the back of my hand. I pulled my hand back almost instantly and the sear heat turned my hand red. I covered it with a glove.


Sabre takes off by glove to show my badly burned hand. A hint of regret and in his face. He seems so concerned about me. It's strange. Is he always like this and I haven't noticed.

"I can get something for that. Wait here." The Overseer said as he leaves the room.

"You should of told us this sooner. This looks like a third degree burn....." Sabre told me as he gets up. Time sighs agreeing with Sabre silently.

"I was unconscious for most of that time, and you need to hear what happened." I Insisted. Sabre puts a hand on his chest as if holding something underneath his shirt. I wonder what it could be.

"You don't have to tell us, it only happened recently for you. If you aren't up for it you don't have to tell us more. I know the past can hurt." Sabre says to me. Time hugs Sabre from behind. He flinched for a moment but relaxes. Then Time drags him to sit back down again. He grumbled with frustration .

I looked at his leg to see how many bandages were wrapped around his leg loosely. Those bandages are specifically for burns. His right arm was covered in bandages as well some new blood on them. I guess he opened up his wound.

"I apologize for your injuries Sabre."

"It wasn't your fault Guardian. It just what happens when you fight." Sabre said once again. I sighed.

"I had to wait for my energy to drain further."

-Flashback continue-
The flames died as my energy continued to drain. I had to wait until the flames are weak enough for me to push through and I don't know what might be waiting past these flames. I waited patiently as the flames die down.

I felt a bit dizzy when I got my chance. I flew through the flames feeling it burn my feathers and skin, but it wasn't nearly as bad as before. I was relived and looked around quickly to see what may have happened outside of the flames. I saw nothing,

I didn't hesitate to go back to the entrance. And I stood in front of it. I got ready to go through making sure no one was following me. I saw Nightmare Steve as he thrusted his swords through my stomach.

"Where are you going old man?" He said pulling the sword back almost instantly. I stagger and helps my stomach.

"I am not old." I mumbled stepping back from then. I got stabbed again from behind. I saw his son. Dark Steve. I used my wings to protect myself, but my feathers singed from the ground.

"You're just a little younger than me and you know it." Origin Steve said as he walked up to me. He isn't the Origin Steve I remember though. He's lost it. He's gone. He's not.... He isn't Origin Steve. He is just the Original.

"I do not see anyone calling you old." I said ad a miserable comeback. He didn't seem phased as his eyes glowed red. Not the blue glow I missed in his eyes.... Kind of like the Overseer's eyes.... I shook my head.

"Because of your energy we can now enter the spirit realm." The flames! I looked up to see a few of the lingering flames flew around and went into Infinity Steve. Demon Steve planned this. I fell for his trap.

"Nightmare. You can deal with him right?" Void Steve said to him. Nightmare nods and goes up to. We fight.

Nightmare Steve being his own being from the end Crystal he absorbed long ago lost the abilities of speed and strength. But he gain something else. Dark matter from the corrupted crystal. A power that Steves can not manifest on their own.

He lost his old strength and gained his own. We fight viscously. I couldn't do much to fight back though. I couldn't fight back.... At least not hard enough. I had more to focus on.

I looked at the portal. Knowing that once I was defeated they would go into the spirit world allowing them to harm all the sprits their and taking the light spirits I need to protect. Light Steve who I need to protect.

I went To the portal made out of Netherite blocks. It lead the the spirit world, but it won't anymore. The blocks are weakly place so just one hit would work. I dodge some lighting from Nightmare Steve and slam myself into the side of the portal. The portal collapsed on itself with nothing left but the blocks.

"You're lucky that Demon Steve already wants us to kill you." Nightmare says. I took a deep breath.

"You will have to catch me first." I tell Nightmare Steve as I use the rest of my energy to teleport to the middle world.

-End of Flashback-

"The rest you know." I say ending my story. The Overseer finished treating my hand. I was a bit relieved that the pain had faded from my hand. Time treated Sabre's arm while I talked. Time is really babying him Huh...  I noticed the start of a scar on his back... Where did he get that?

"So they can't enter the spirit world right?" Sabre asked me. I nodded.

"They can enter the middle world though. Which you have already seen."

"Alright. I'll look out for them."

"You need to wait until you're fully healed first Sabre. You can't push yourself."

"I do it all the time. Don't worry Time."

"The green Steves should be here soon. One of them are going to your house with Time." The Overseer said to all three of us. I just nod. I looked at Sabre knowing I would need to talk to him soon.

"Thanks- Time!" Sabre was picked up by Time and they quickly left the room. I sighed and looked at the Overseer. Looking in his eyes.

"Thank you for taking care of me Overseer..."

"It's no problem. Tell me if you need anything else." He said smiling.

"I will."
(Words 1340) did I add hints for a ship- yes- yes I did-

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