Second Place

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"I told you it's fine!" I told Alex as a Green Steve healed my leg. Everytime I get healed by Steve magic it feels really weird. Everyone else says it's a nice warm feeling, but to me it's like an annoying tingle wherever my wound is. The green steve looked annoyed from us bickering. It's been about three days since the incident with Nightmare Steve and nothing has happened. No attacks, no sightings of steves around the area. It's nice, but it's got me on edge.

I can't shake the feeling that something bad is going to happen. I don't know if it's just me being on edge or because something bad is going to happen. Whatever it is, I'm going to be prepared. For now I have to wait. Soon the Green steve stops and I sigh in relief.

"It should be okay for you to walk on now, but don't push yourself." Green Steve said. I don't know why they warned me especially since Time has been watching me non stop. The reason why Alex is watching me right now instead of Time is because he is spending time with Galaxy and Illusion. It's nice that they have fun as a family together.

The Guardian has been healing well. He is still bedridden but he can now be at a normal sleep schedule rather than waking up and falling asleep every few hours. He has gotten really close to the Overseer since then. It's safe to say that they are friends now.

"Thanks Green Steve, you really didn't have to." I told him to get onto my feet. It hurt slightly to stand, but it wasn't unbearable like before. Probably running on my leg would be a lot more painful, I don't plan on trying it out.

"It's alright. Just don't get hurt like this again."

"I can't promise that." The Green Steve leaves the room. I look at Alex.

"Does it hurt to walk on?"

"Nope, it's just fine." I told her as I picked up my weapon I laid on the side of the wall. I really wish I could change out of my onesie. I'm getting the nickname chicken steve again. I would fix the clothes myself, but I can't seem to find them anywhere.

"That's good. Looks like it's going to be another good day." Alex goes outside of the house and I follow. She took out hers and Galaxy's bed from this house. They both live in her cave now.
Now it's just me and Time's. Maybe we could decorate it together later. It would be fun while my leg is still recovering as well as my arm.

When I stepped outside the sun blinded me for a few seconds. I haven't been able to leave the house much from my leg. I wasn't allowed to leave without Time carrying me. All the steves know about the incident with Nightmare Steveve, but they aren't too worried because they haven't been attacked themselves.

Near the outside of the town I saw Lucas talking to a Red Steve. Probably getting to know each other. Me and Alex went over to him. The Red Steve walked away after they came over.

"Hey Lucas-" I cut myself off with another jolt of pain that ran though my eyes. For a second I thought he was in his Captain of the guard armor. I rubbed my eyes for a second as the pain went away. That was weird...

"You're not being carried around by Time?" Lucas asked me a bit confused.

"The green steve cleared me to walk around again." I said relaxing from the sudden pain I just felt. They don't notice thankfully. Alex laughed a little from Lucas's comment.

"Yes, it was funny to see him get carried around." Lucas started to laugh with her and I sighed.

"Really mature guys...." I looked around to see we were the only ones here.

"I was told about everything that happened while I was gone thanks to the Overseer, I'm sorry I wasn't there to help."

"It's alright Lucas. Not much you can do about it now." I told him my unnerving feeling of danger suddenly rises. I kept looking around slowly and tightening my grip on my weapon.

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