Illusion's Fight

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I step back from the lighting that almost hit me. I can't tell if it was targeted at me or not. I saw the Guardian and Galaxy summon lighting on Illusion Steve. Like always I step back. I know I can't do much and I'll only get in the way. The fight is intense. It's less of a sword fight like I'm used to more powers and abilities.

Galaxy is more summoning and lighting. I've seen it before. He likes to summon strong blocks like Obsidian sometimes even using them as projectiles. He usually uses lighting and his energy force to wear and tire his opponents.

I haven't seen the Guardian fight so I was paying more attention to him. He is more of a supporter. Not a big fighter on his own. He tries to trap Illusion Steve so Galaxy who is stronger than the Guardian can attack Illusion. He is attacking Illusion, but he isn't as strong.

I'm not good at fighting Steve, since they have powers and I don't. Well, I do, but they aren't used to fighting like this and I still don't know how to use it. I hide in a good area take out a bow and an arrow and aim it at Illusion. Just see if it will do any damage. Probably not, but might as well see.

I could already see him wearing down. So once the moment was right I fired my arrow at his right arm. I've noticed that all Steves I've seen are right-handed. I'm left-handed. The arrow lands at his elbow and it seems to do something. Illusion holds his arm in pain and pulls it out. Some blood dripping down his hand.

"Who did that?!" Illusion said angrily. Guardian and Galaxy looked just as confused. I get another arrow. Galaxy summons a lot of lighting on Illusion causing him to stumble back. I fire another arrow, but I miss it.

"So it's you Sabre? I didn't know you were so good with a bow." Illusion glared at me.

"Yeah! I'm better with a gun!" I grinned.

"What's a gun?" The Guardian asked. I paused remebering how little the Steves know about human or player technology.

"Uh, I'll explain later," I said and came out of hiding.

"Give up Illusion you don't have a chance," Galaxy said to Illusion and he walked up to him. He didn't have a chance. I smile a little. I knew what Galaxy had to do.

"Illusion." I looked at Galaxy as he walked up to him. He gets down to his level and hugs him. The Guardian and Illusion were very confused. I wasn't. Not in the slightest. This is what he would do... at least to his creations.

"Why are you hugging me?! You're going to kill me aren't you!" Illusion said angrily to Galaxy.

"You're my son, and it's my fault your mindset is like this." I don't see Galaxy get serious very often. When he does it's better to listen. I always have.

"What?" The illusion wasn't fighting the hug Galaxy was giving him, but not hugging back either.

"I created you when I was panicked and that's not a good thing to do. You wanted to help me, but I don't show you how." Illusion didn't say anything and looked down.

"Now come on! Let's go fishing and get something to eat 'cause I'm starving!" I tried not to laugh. Guardian just looked utterly confused. He'll get used to Galaxy soon enough.

"Okay..." Illusion hugs back and Galaxy smiles. I felt a strong pain in my head. Similar to the pain I felt last time. I held my head with my left hand waiting for the pain to go away.

"Let's go back to Alex and the Overseer. Make sure they are okay." The Guardian said. It looks like they didn't notice thankfully.

"Yeah... let's go," I replied. The pain was gone now so I was ready to teleport. They do this a lot since it's a faster way to travel and since I can't teleport they have to teleport me with them. Takes more energy out of them which I never liked, but it's just something that they have to do.

Just like I thought we teleported back to the machine. I looked around and didn't see Alex or the Overseer. I looked up and saw it was still pretty dark outside. I could also see the moon up. So more around midnight.

"I'll take the machine down. You guys go ahead and find Overseer and Alex." I said to them. They didn't seem to mind and went in their direction as I worked on taking down the machine.

While I took down the machine I felt the pain again. I had to stop and sit down against some pistons to relax. This isn't getting better. I need to check my code. Kind of hard to do that when the only way to do that is to take off my blindfold.

It took longer than before for the pain to go away. Once it did I got up and went back to taking down the machine. I used my iron pickaxe to take down Iron and gold blocks. Has to break the glass around the machine. Also had to pick up all the red-stone dust and repeaters.

Once I got the machine down I put down the dirt blocks before making this area look sort of normal knowing it would take a while for the grass to grow. Don't know why I care so much since we will leave this Illusion world soon. We probably won't leave until the morning.

"Sabre you okay?" I heard Galaxy Steve as he came over. I look behind me and see him.

"Yeah, I'm okay don't worry. Got the machine down too." I laugh nervously and rub the back of my head. More like my white hood.

"Okay! Anyways want to go fishing with me and Illusion?" He asked having me a fishing rod.

"He became friendly to you that quickly?" I questioned still a bit skeptical about his alliance.

"Yeah, just like Elemental did....." Galaxy looks down and I hug him. He sacrificed himself after realizing his mistake and fixed his ways, but he never made it out alive.

"It's not your fault. He changed for the good and is now happy in the spirit world." I said hopefully. I think he is there. I never actually-

"You saw him?!" He asked excitedly.

"No I didn't, but I bet he is. Wished we could ask the Guardian about these things." He knows how all the steves are doing... he probably knows how Rainbow is doing too.

"Me too, but it's his job. Keep the spirits in the spirit world safe that means not telling us how the Steves up there are doing."

"Or if they hate us or not...." Galaxy I feel so bad for him. He just wanted him and his creations which he also calls his sons, happy.

"He doesn't. Just don't think about it. Let's go fishing." Galaxy smiles as I take the fishing rod he gave me. He guides me back to the river to go fishing.

(Words 1233)

Okay, I need help with ships. I want to do some villain ships, but I don't know who should go with who. Also, I do want some hero ships, I will be using the ones I had last time, but some new ones might be nice too.

So suggestions would be great. I might or might not use them depending on how popular they are.

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