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Lucas's point of view
The fight has only now begun, but already a lot of damage has been done to the surrounding area. Lighting has already gotten some of the grass in flames. I got some of it out, but it's hard to do that without getting into the rage of the fight. We need to move this fight out of the town as quickly as possible.

Infinity Steve was flying in the air summoning lighting left and right. Alex was taking most of the hits for the Overseer. She countered his lighting with her own lightning. They were flying as if they were neve meant to touch the ground. Each movement was quick and last minute to avoid as many attacks as they could from each other. Overseer was more to the side attacking and once in a while trying to trapp Infinity in ice when Alex was far enough away.

"Overseer!" I called out to him in all of the loud thunder that rang in the air. Suddenly items started to float into the air. Metal like objects around the air. They stopped suddenly and all slammed to the ground. I jumped as a large anvil landed right behind me.

The Overseer came over to me. He looked at me carefully making sure I wasn't hurt. Overseer seemed to have nothing more than a few small burn marks on his skin.

"Lucas is everything alright?"

"We need to get this fight out of the village so no one gets hurt. We should try to move this to the plains!" I told him to yell from the noise. He nods thankfully for my idea and flies into the air summoning water in the air. He was pushing Infinity away and I followed him. Alex flew into the field quickly getting the idea of the Overseer's plan. Soon we were in the fields away from the town.

"Now I can really use my powers against you!" Alex yelled She was holding back from the village and now she doesn't need to. Lighting started to storm the area. Alex was just releasing her energy out almost at random. Overseer flies down to me and summons Ice above usu to protect me and him from the lightning. I looked over to see Infinity who looked angry from her heavy blow on him. His eyes glowed.

"Fine, let's make this fighting ground a bit more even!" Infinity yells back. The air suddenly felt warm as lava formed at random in the air. Alex looks around in shock at someone who has never seen someone with the ability to summon lava. Even with Sabre's warning it was still a shock. The Overseer immediately started to counter the lava with his water and ice. The amount he summoned got weaker each time. The remains of the lava are clearly weakening Overseer as well as Alex.

Overseer flies off to help Alex fight infinity. Her powers seemed to weaken from the lava since they are less wild than they were before, but now she has more control. The Overseer seemed to be affected by lava the most. He would sometimes fall midfight and catch himself again. Alex told him he should stop flying, but he didn't listen. I started to climb the walls of ice, lava and mostly obsidian to try to help them. I have a bow and arrow. It might not do much, but it's something.

Infinity stops the fight for a second and he takes out multiple sharp broken pieces of metal. From swords, and knives, out of all of them the one that stood out the most was two real, sharp swords out of all the broken pieces around them. Infinite weapons. He reaches his hand out forward and the metal around them moves at high speeds at random. I was at their level, but couldn't be seen by Infinity Steve. Overseer hid both of them in a ball of ice, bit the pieces of metal and swords were slowly chipping away at the weak and melting ice. I had to do something.

I pulled my bow closing my left eye and aimed at Infinity's head. If I remember correctly arrows never really go through a steve's body entirely. This might be enough to hurt them enough so they stop attacking the ball of ice. I took a deep breath and looked at my target again. I felt my chest burn and I let go of the arrow sending it flying through the air. I quickly hid behind the obsidian and listened to hear if it hit my mark.

"Who did that?!" I heard him yell angrily. I hit him. That's all I need to know. The attacking on the ice ceased for a moment. I moved to the side and fired another arrow at him. I don't think it hit, but the burning feeling in my chest grew stronger.

"Another fighter is out here. Why don't you come out to meet me?" I heard him slowly come closer to where I was at. I held my breath. If he finds me I'm doomed. I can't fly. I don't have any powers and a drop from this height will certainly kill me. I heard something shatter more than thunder. Infinity struck the obsidian structure causing the entire weak building to shake. I lost my footing and fell. I managed to grab some ice by hanging onto it for dear life. It slipped and cracked under my weight.

Infinity flew to me, he looked at me helplessly as I held onto the side protecting me from death. He looks at me dead in the eyes. A grin on his face.

"Well hello Lucas, it's been a while now hasn't it." He casually talked to me like an old friend.

"Yeah, but can you maybe not try to kill everyone?" I asked sarcasm in my voice, we both know that isn't possible.

"No, like I said I want to take my claim before the worst comes to worse."

"Well what is coming then. Who is taking more than you are?" I was curious for an answer. The ice cracked more.

"You'll get to meet them very soon." He says. Lighting strikes on him and I see a fairly angry Alex Behind him. I feel someone grab me. Illusion Steve. He brought me down to the ground as thunder roared in the air. I looked at the Overseer who looked drained and exhausted. He also just got down to the ground.

"Lucas, that was very helpful, but don't do that again." He tells me, out of breath.

"Yes, I'd rather not carry you again." Illusion adds.

"I won't trust me." We looked up to see Alex pinning Infinity in a corner and summound constant lighting on him. Lighting suddenly strikes around us and we see Galaxy Steve. He paid no attention to us and went straight to Infinity Steve.

"Pull them apart Alex!" He yells at her. He also starts to summun lighting and seems to be slowly backing away. As if he was trying to pull something that was stuck together. Ales does the same, but pulls in the opposite direction. Even more lightning strikes from their combined efforts. I have to plug my ears from the noise as it only got louder. The Overseer was too.

The thunder and lighting slowly faded away. They all slowly floated down to the ground. Instead of Infinity standing there were two people. Positive and Negative. Positive quickly hugged Negative and teleported them away, somewhere we probably couldn't follow. Alex was breathing heavily, while Galaxy overall looked okay. He hugged Alex.

"Are you okay?! We only just got here and Sabre told us about the attack-" He got cut off.

"I'm fine Galaxy, don't worry." She tells him.

"How did you guys know?" I asked Illusion.

"We didn't. We can't read minds. I just got here with everyone else and we saw the chaos. Time looked for Sabre while we came here."

"Well thank you for helping. He isn't an easy foe."

"Looks like we got here just in time. Well without Time."

"We should clean all of this up before we head back to the town." The Overseer saidly weakly. I went to him ready to support him if needed. Theri is still some lava lingering in the area. Alex and Galaxy came up to us.

"I can clean all of this up, you guys should check on everyone else." Galaxy says as he flies up and starts to clear the area.

"I'll stay here with Galaxy for now in case those steves come back." She adds while following Galaxy. I looked at Illusion and Overseer.

"Da- Galaxy is right. We should make sure no one got hurt. Especially the Guardian." Illusion says as he starts heading to the town. The Overseer follows him. I took a deep breath as I felt the strange burning feeling in my chest leave. I looked back at the mess behind to see it was slowly being cleaned up by Galaxy and Alex. I then caught up with the others a bit worried about when the next attack will be.
(Words 1530) sorry guys for taking so long to get a chapter out. It's just been very busy with me and recently when I got the time I got really sick. I hope you understand and like the chapter

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