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Light Steve's point of view
(Before The Guardian Woke up)
Night fell he still hasn't returned. He never stays a night over in the middle world. Especially not in the lower world. I kept waiting for him. I wasn't able to keep watch for the rest of the day.  but my brother and his friends were very persuasive for me to join them. It was nice to spend time with them, but my worry for The Guardian didn't fade. He's a lot like a father to me and I don't want him to get hurt. We are the only two beings who have been created in the Spirit realm.

I made it to the only portal to the Lower World to find it collapsed. The portal was gone. Nothing but the stones remained scattered on the ground. Something went wrong. I quickly looked around the area to see if this was recent and The Guardian was still here. He was not, but someone else was. Blue Steve.

I never thought I would see him again.

We both went to the Lower world a little after Rainbow Steve went into his seven-generation sleep. We went there to help defeat Demon Steve, but I didn't go as planned. Blue Steve started to get trapped on his own. It took me a while to get him out. We were then trapped in this dimension as Demon Steve tried to get us. Get our souls trapped in grasp. Blue managed to get me out. He looked for a way out after I was fatally wounded in the Spirit world.

While I was slowly recovering he found a portal to the Middle world. He can't go back to that world, but I could. He rushed me to the portal and Demon Steve managed to find us. I became a creation of Sabre in the Middle world while Blue Steve was captured by Demon Steve. I lost all of my memories before I was created and only gained them back after I died and came here. Now I can't enter the Middle world. The only steve who can enter each world is The Guardian, Sabre can as well, but he isn't a Steve and at this point, I'm not sure if he is a player either.

Blue Steve laid unconscious on the ground. He looked exhausted and had multiple deep cuts on his body, none of those wounds were open though. I got down to his level and held him in my arms. I started to heal his wounds. In the Spirit world healing is a little bit different; only me and the Guardian can heal wounds here. Not even the green steves. It's mainly because there isn't much of a need for any healers here.

"Rainbow Steve!" I yelled for him to see if he would possibly be awake as I continued to heal Blue Steve's wounds. It took me a few minutes to heal Blue Steve's wounds. I soon saw Rainbow Steve. He looked a bit tired like he just woke up. He yawned and rubbed his eyes.

"Light what's wrong- Blue Steve?!" Rainbow Steve said in shock. He was awake now and sat down next to me looking at Blue Steve and then at the portal. I don't think he knew about the portals in this world. He might, but I doubt it

"Is he okay?" Rainbow Steve asked, shaking his friend slightly to see if that would wake him up, but it didn't.

"I healed his wounds, but he hasn't woken up yet. I don't know why."

"How did you find him?! I" ve been looking for him ever since I got my memories back!" I never told him that Blue Steve was in the Lower world and I don't plan on telling him now.

"I'm not sure, I was just here at the right time I guess." I lied to him, feeling a bit guilty for doing so. I will tell him later, but I don't want my brother to get upset that I lied to him. At least not now,

"I can get the Guardian! He will be able to help." He gets up quickly to leave and go to him. I stopped him.

"He hasn't come back yet... He should have been back by now, but he isn't..." Rainbow looked at me worriedly.

"I can go to the lake and try to see him from the middle world if you want." He asked and I nodded. I would like that. I picked up Blue Steve. I planned on coming with him. Rainbow Steve already knew that and took me to the lake. When we got to the lake we immediately activated it and looked for the Guardian. We found him.

The Guardian was unconscious and Sabre was carrying him through the storm. It looked like the guardian was dying. Sabre had a lot of injuries and the most concerning one was on his leg. They were close to the village and we could only watch as the other steves took the Guardian away when they got to the town while Sabre was taken to his house with the help of Time Steve. Rainbow Steve closed the lake.

"That's not good..." I muttered as Rainbow stood there in shock.

"What happened to him..." He asked me, I couldn't answer it. All I know is that Demon Steve was behind this. I looked back at Blue Steve then at Rainbow. I thought about what we should do for a moment and it was clear what we had to do for now.

"I'll take the responsibilities of the Guardian until he can come back." I started. Rainbow paid attention to me. "I'll help any steves who might die between this time, and look out for whoever hurt the Guardian."

"What can I do?" Rainbow asked, wanting to help me and everyone else.

"I need you to tell Elemental and Hypno about this. No other steve should know about the Guardian for now. I also need you to keep care of Blue Steve. I know you two are good friends and being with him when he wakes up might help him."

"Alright, but you will tell me more about the Guardian, right? When he comes back?" He asked me as he took Blue Steve from my arms. I hope Blue Steve wakes up soon, he probably knows more about the situation than I do. Once Rainbow Steve left probably to where all his friends are I went to the main spawn place of new souls and waited. Wait for the Guardian to get back and to see if any new souls will come here between his time of being in the Overworld.

(3rd person perspective)
The rest of the night was calm for the Spirit World. The light kept watching in case any souls came to the world in the night. Rainbow Steve went back to his friends Elemental and Hypno who was still asleep and went back to sleep with them making sure Blue Steve was alright. The rest of the night in the Overworld or Middle world has gone as history has already gone and passed.

The Lower world was a different situation. All the souls who helped fight against the Guardian have passed through a portal that leads to the middle world. While Demon Steve had other ideas believing in his brother's passing as Nightmare Steve reported. He used the energy he has been stealing for generations from the Blue Steve with a spirit made of light to do what should have been impossible. To open the portal to the spirit world from the lower world. Only a Light Spirit or the Guardian should be able to open that portal. Not a Demon or a regular soul.

The portal opens with ease from the stolen power. A portal that he made so he can enter the spirit world. He needed more than just one person's soul. He needed the others. He knew there was more than one Light Spirit, but he only knew three of the five. Rainbow, Light Steve, and Blue Steve are three of the spirits that are known. The fourth spirit has been around a while, but He doesn't know who that is. There has been a fifth that appeared recently, but they are unknown to both Demon Steve and the Guardian.

Having three of the five will be more than enough for Demon Steveś plan. To rule and control all. One spirit for each dimension. Each Dimension under his rule with the help of only one Light Spirit. The Spirit world will be the hardest to take control over, but all he needs is one specific light spirit to take over such a strong and fragile realm.

Light Steve.
(Worlds 1463)

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