As the World Burns

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Another day of preparation. It's been like this for a week now. Blue Steves and Green Steves alike have been pushing themselves to the limit. Supplying food and water under Steve's village statue. The bunker has become a storage.

We have to prepare for the worst.

Red Steves have been training themselves with the Yellow Steves. All so they can protect the Steves if fighting prevails after Demon Steve's curse on the world. So they can protect everyone.

We have to be unsure of everything.

The Purple Steves have been setting secret safe spots across the entire dimensions. Leaving secret marks on doors and trees to help show the way. If anyone gets separated or needs help. There will always be a place to hide in.

In the end, our only choice may be to run for it.

Spending all these days helping others has been exhausting, on top of that I have been trying to perfect using my new abilities for the sake of my safety. Origin watched me and helped me when he could. It's weird, everyone is uneasy by his presence, but he has been helping everyone no matter their needs. He can be trusted... which is a nice change of pace.

Overseer and Blue Steve have been leading all the Steves together. Most of them have been taking Blue Steve's extra help with such kindness. Many of them see him as an apprentice now to the Overseer. They spend most of their time awake and rarely sleep to keep everyone calm and in check.

As I passed the village I could see where the main stress and focus was put on. The most powerful steves here... well almost all of them have taken time to strengthen their skills. To stand at the last coming fight. To protect everyone more so than the Red and Yellow Steves can.

Galaxy and Alex have been training with each other every day. Pushing themselves and learning how to fight together. Finding a way to use their abilities to complement each other. Watching them fight is a show all on its own. Some of the younger steves watched them train with each other for guidance. Thunder filled the air matched with a purple and green energy mixing. Fire was used to improve their ability to dodge and resist intense heat.

Farther was away the rest were training. Elemental, Light, and Illusion were improving their energy and strength in the future battle we will all have to face. Light teaches each other in the way of weapons, Elemental in the way of force, and Illusion in the way of distractions. They were doing well and have been improving thanks to each other.

Rainbow and Hypno have been spending time with each other. They join the others in training once in a while- but Rainbow is... I can't blame him. He hasn't been as happy or joyful since. I think we both feel the same way after what happened to Sabre. Time is missing, but we have no way to get him or find him. We just have to hope that we can find him through the fights we will soon have to endure.

"Where are you going, Lucas?" I turned my head to look over my shoulder. Origin was standing right behind me. He has been keeping a close eye on me... because I am the last piece of the puzzle. If Demon Steve gets me... this world is truly over.

And I hate it.

"On a walk, I just need to clear my head. It's been... a lot." I sighed. I haven't been able to get a break for this past week. We are working hard and always have to be on edge. We don't even know where Ghost Steve and the Guardian have gone. The Guardian has yet to return from the World Beyond... and Ghost is nowhere to be found.

"I'll come with you," He stared at me a bit blankly. Not wanting to argue I let him follow me as we made our way out of the village and into the forest not too far. My old cabin is there, but I barely visit it anymore. We recently raided it of all supplies for anyone who may need it. It's now an empty safe place if things go wrong.

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