The Effects of the Plague

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Sabre's point of view
I kept an eye on Time while we walked. He looked exhausted and tired, but wouldn't say anything about it. We were close to the house, but not as close as I want to be.

"How do you know how that feels?" Time asked me in a frustrated tone. I sigh.

"During the never have I ever game. I said I killed one person. Remember that?" I asked Time. He nods. "That's true... I've killed a lot more people then that." Time stops walking and looks at me.

"So... you do know how it feels."

"Yes, I do and it's something I don't want you to feel yet or ever..." I mumbled. Time sighs and hugs me.

"Well I won't kill anyone then. At least not literally." He assured me. Lighting strikes in front of us and I jumped. I got out my sword ready to protect time when I saw Galaxy who just teleported to us.

"What did you do?!" Galaxy yelled at us with anger. He could probably tell that Time was drained from his energy.

"Plague Steve attacked us and-"

"He attacked you?! Are you two okay?!" Galaxy went to Time and checked him for any wounds or injuries he had. I had a few burns from the lighting, but they usually fade away in a few hours. In this world lighting is used as an attack, not much for killing unless you put a strong concentration of your magic into it. Rather than that it just makes you feel paraylised for a second or two.

"I'm alright Dad, Sabre kil- defeated Plague Steve." I was a little thankful he didn't tell Galaxy that I killed him. Galaxy looks at both of us relieved, but then gives Time a death glare.

"I told you not to do that with your powers! You don't understand how to do that yet without really hurting yourself." Galaxy said in a worry tone. Time looks down and nods understanding that he won't be able to do that attack again for a while or without Galaxy's permission. 

"Well I'll take you too back to the house now." Galaxy gets ready to use his powers, but I stopped him.

"Can you take me to Steve Village? I want to check up on everyone there if that's alright." Galaxy looks at me and sighs.

"Arlight, but be back soon okay?"

"I will don't worry." I said smiling. Time seemed a bit concerned, but Galaxy didn't give him a choice if he should stay or not as he teleports them back to Lucas' house. Once they were gone I walked to the steve village.

When I got there it looked like nothing had changed. All the steves were just talking to each other like any other ordinary day. Many steves were playing or trading supplies with other steves. I walked up to a Red Steve.

"Hey whats up?" The Red Steve said as I walked up to them.

"I'm looking for the Overseer. Have you seen him?" I asked politely.

"He is at his house talking to Steve wearing a black cloak. I've never seen him before." He said pointing to his house. I nod and walk over. The steve in the black cloak is probably the Guardian. The Overseer's house is the farthest away from the village and one of the biggest. He stays far away so he can have a clear view of any danger. I knocked on the wooden door. It took a few seconds to see the door open. I saw the Overseer in front of me.

"Sabre? You're back!" He said gladly and gave me a hug. That surprised me a little, but I hugged back.

"Yeah.. I'm back." I smiled nervously. I looked further into the room to see The Guardian.

"Why were you gone for so long?" I heard the Guardian ask as The Overseer let me inside, His lower floor was mostly open with a lot of books shelves. He had a large table probably for meetings and a small kitchen next to it.

"It's a long story, but I came to make sure you two are okay." I sat down next to the Guardian. He kept looking at me like he knew something was up.

"We have a story to tell as well. A steve came here called Cyan Steve. He was actually taking over some of us steves. Even me... I remember not being myself." The Overseer started to explain.

"That Plague Steve for you."

"Plague is his real name?" The Guardian asked curious. I nod.

"Yes. He was the one who created the sickness... and he's dead." I started to explain what happened from how I absorbed the sickness to when I killed him. The Overseer and The Guardian listen closely. After I explained everything I waited for a response.

"All of that happened in a week?" The Guardian asked.

"Yeah... but everything is alright now." I say trying to make sure they didn't panic about it.

"Are you sure you're alright?" The Overseer asked in a concern tone.

"Yes I'm sure. Time is just going to stay at Lucas' place for the night. I don't think Galaxy will even let him out of bed until he knows he is alright."

"Will you be staying here longer?"

"No, probably not. Galaxy asked me to come back."

"That is alright Sabre. Is there anything you need here?" I shook my head.

"No Guardian. I just wanted to make sure you guys are alright." The Overseer nods understanding,

"Next time I won't stand by if something comes up. I'll help you with whatever you'll face next." The Overseer promised me and I smiled. The Guardian stood up.

"Sabre we need to talk about something before you leave. Alone." I stood up having a feeling that this was serious.

"Arlight." The Guardian starts to head outside and I follow waving goodbye to the Overseer. We started to walk into the forest that was behind the town away from where Lucas was.

"So what did you need to talk about?" I asked curious about what he indeed to say. He looks around before speaking.

"I have more information about the Demon Steve... It seems that he is planning something." I pecked up. Demon Steve who speaks in a language completely unknown to me or any steves I've met. He so far doesn't have any motives. All I know is that he follows me around and wants something. I'm not sure what.

"What is it?" I asked the Guardian and he sighed.

"When you met Rainbow Steve in the spirit world he talked about a Blue Steve you have never met correct?" I nod.

"Yes, but why is that important?"

"That Steve... he came to the spirit world my generations before and befriend a steve. The two went into the underworld where I have only gone a few times myself, but I have never seen a steve there... only one of the stevs came back... The Blue steve i sstill their with the Demon Steve if he is from that world. I believe that the Demon Steve is holding him captive for an unknown reason. I will go there to investigate, but I wanted to talk to you before I did."

"Why me?" I asked. This is really serious and probably very dangerous. Why wouldn't he just talk to Steve in the spirit world about this?

"Because you are one of the only people who know about Demon Steve and since you aren't a Steve you might be the least affected by anything it is planning."

"Arlight, but how will i know if everything went well or wrong?"

"If I come back asn tell you that means everything went well, but if I do not come back and the Demon Steve roa around the middle world then it did not go well." I was worried about him. Worried about what he was going to do, but I won't stop him.

"Okay.. but if things start to go wrong come back immediately. I don't want you getting hurt." The Guardian smiled softly.

"I will not get hurt and do not worry about me. Goodbye Sabre." He teleports away. I sigh then walk back to Lucas' house.
(Words 1382) We all know the Guardian is not going to be okay-

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